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Global Learning: Resources for Students: Home

This guide provides access to a variety of print and electronic resources on global topics.

Primary and Secondary Sources

Primary and secondary sources are important aspects of the research process.  It is critical to know the differences between primary and secondary resources.  Some assignments may require primary sources; other assignments may require a mixture of sources.  If you have questions about the sources for an assignment, consult a librarian.

Scholarly and Popular Sources

Scholarly sources are the backbone of research; they use discipline specific language and provide bibliographies.   Popular articles provide information in a general format, the language is not discipline specific and bibliographies do not accompany the articles.   

It is important to understand the differences between the two types of information.  Use the links below to help you recognize the differences between scholarly and popular articles.

If you need assistance with scholarly and popular sources, consult a librarian.

Plagiarism and Citing Sources

Plagiarism is using someone's research and/or publication and claiming the work as your own.  Universities and colleges can have stiff penalties for students who plagiarize.  Consult a librarian or the ISU Writing Center for assistance with citations.  


Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides an overview of citing different sources in APA, MLA or Chicago format.  If you need assistance with citing sources, consult the handbooks in the library, the ISU Writing Center, or a librarian.

Start Here

This guide provides information on a variety of topics related to global learning. Use the TABS at the top of the site to click on information about a particular topic.  Selected resources are shown on this library guide; there are additional resources available in the ISU library and on the web. The guide was created as a tool to assist in your research; you are responsible for locating additional resources on your topic.  Contact a Librarian for assistance.

This page focuses on aspects of research you should be aware of before you begin your exploration of sources. 


Defining Globalization

Evaluating Sources

Anyone can place information on the web.  When you use a source from the web, you need to evaluate the information to make sure it is valid.  Check out the links below for information on how to evaluate web resources.

Flag of Wales

Flag of Wales - Wikipedia

In Our Library

Call number is HV7921. G56 2021

Librarian for Criminology and Security Studies; Psychology

Profile Photo
Karen Evans
Library 116

Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

Use Inter-Library Loan (ILL) to obtain materials ISU does not own.  ILL is a free service and can be used to request materials for academic work.  You must be affiliated with ISU to use the service.  If you need to use ILL, PLAN AHEAD.  It takes time to locate and obtain the materials from other libraries


Endnote is a software product to assist with managing citations and references.  The product is free for ISU faculty, staff, and students.

If you have problems or questions about Endnote, contact Librarian Shelley Arvin at

ISU Writing Center

Meet with a consultant at the ISU Writing Center for assistance with writing assignments.