Cunningham Memorial Library (Physical Location) | 7am – 10pm |
Circulation Desk | 7am – 10pm |
Research & Instruction | By Appointment |
Administration Office | 8am – 4:30pm |
Special Collections | 8am – 4:30pm |
Technical Services | 8am – 4:30pm |
Writing Center | By Appointment |
It is the responsibility of Indiana State University Library to provide access to library materials and databases to ISU students no matter where they take a course.
Services on this web page are offered to students currently enrolled in distance education courses through Indiana State University.
Phone: (812) 237.2541 (or 812-237-2580 secondary line)
Contact your subject librarian directly to find a mutually convenient time.
Search our Frequently Asked Questions
Distance students are responsible for conducting their independent research by using the materials and
databases made available by the library. Instruction in library research methods will be provided by the
Reference/Instruction Department
Digital tools instruction is available via online Digital Literacy Tutorials.
For more help, you may Chat with a Subject Librarian, OR E-mail a Subject Liaison to receive Individual Instruction
Research consultations
are also available via Zoom or Microsoft Teams appointments with library liaisons.
For Distance related assistance, please also see this libguide
For books, photocopies, and other library materials available to ISU Distance Education students. This includes materials found within the ISU Library as well as materials from other libraries. Interlibrary Loan will process these requests through a system called ILLiad. The distance learner will be notified via email when a requested item is in transit to the address listed in ILLiad. The distance learner is liable for the material from the time it leaves ISU until it is safely returned to ISU. Please ensure your address is correct before requesting materials. Distance learning students can use the ILLiad service, however, they must have a current ISU ID card to do so. There is no cost for the first card. Replacement cards are $15. Cards can be obtained in person, on the phone, or in an email. To obtain a card contact Traffic and Parking Services by phone at (812) 237-8888 or through e-mail at Their office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Look up what's been placed on reserve for your courses
Renew ISU library materials online and also find out what books you have charged out, when they are due, what items you have requested, and any fines you might have.
Logon to your ILLiad Account and click on "Checked out items". Go to the Transaction Number you wish to renew and click the red RENEW text.
For More Information, see Billing Services-Policies