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Library Public Services: Circulation

This guide is a one-stop shop for all the services provided by the Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University

Circulation Services & Policies

Circulation Services & Policies

For ISU Students, Faculty, Staff, and Non-ISU Affiliates
Circulation Desk (812) 237.2541

Who May Borrow

ISU students, faculty, and staff may borrow library materials by presenting their current school IDs.

Residents of Indiana and residents of the twenty Illinois counties participating in the Southeastern Illinois Waiver Program mmm  who are 18 years or older,
may borrow library materials from the University Library by presenting a valid driver's license at the checkout desk. A guest borrower's card will be issued at no charge.

Local high school students may borrow materials upon presenting to the checkout desk a letter of authorization from a teacher, principal or librarian from their school. The borrower's card issued will be valid for the current semester.

Chat with Us!


Phone:  (812) 237.2541 (or 812-237-2580 secondary line)


Contact your subject librarian directly to find a mutually convenient time.

Search our Frequently Asked Questions

Have a research need or a complicated assignment? 

Request an appointment


Access Your Library Account

Renew items online using the link above, by calling (812) 237-2541, or visiting the library.

Access E-Resources

Looking for Books, Journals, and Videos? Filter your needs through the E-Resources link above.

Check Out Periods

Undergraduate Students

  • Browsing Media: 3 weeks, no renewals

  • Most Other Items: 21 days, renewal up to three times**

Graduate Students

  • Browsing Media: 3 weeks, no renewals

  • Most Other Items: 120 days, renewal up to three times**

ISU Faculty and Staff

  • Browsing Media: 3 weeks, no renewals

  • Most Other Items: 180 days, renewal up to three times**

Indiana Residents, High School Students

  • Browsing Media: cannot check out

  • Most Other Items: 21 days, renewal up to three times**

**Items that have been recalled cannot be renewed.

Our Loan Period table has more detail about user groups and loan periods.

Library Fines & Fees

Items long overdue will be considered lost and automatically billed to your account. The interval before a bill is generated varies by type of item, meaning some types of material will be billed sooner than other types. Long-overdue items billed as "lost" will be assessed a default replacement charge. This is typically $75 for books and $40 for media. However, replacement fees are higher for more expensive items. Additionally, a non-refundable $10.00 processing fee is charged for each billed item.

Please remember that Browsing Media items (such as DVDs and CDs) only check out for 7 days are not renewable. Plan accordingly to avoid charges.

In most cases, when the item is subsequently returned the replacement charge is removed. Charges for billed items returned after one year will not be removed or refunded. Processing fees are not refundable.

If you think the library has made an error or if you have a special situation that made it difficult for you to return or renew materials on time, you may file an appeal. Charges may be upheld, reduced or canceled. Appeals must be filed within 90 days of billing.

Users will be billed replacement charges and processing fees for items that have been damaged while in their care.

Library invoices must be paid at the Controllers Office. Users should retain all receipts.

Returning Items

Returning Items

  • Most Items: Book drops - located outside on the south, north and east sides of the library.
  • Reserve Items: directly to the check out or ask desk.
  • Need a receipt? Return at the checkout desk.

Reserve Checkout/Renewals

Reserve Checkout / Renewals

Items placed on Reserve may be borrowed for 2 hours, 4 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days, dependent upon limits established by the instructor. Course-assigned readings are available only to ISU students.

Users may request a special search for an item not found on the shelf, or in pre-shelving. When the item is located, the user will be notified by e-mail/phone of its availability. Click below to request a search.

Request a Search

Extended loans and renewals are subject to recall after 3 weeks when an item is requested by another library user. However, items needed for Reserve are subject to immediate recall.


Users may request a book on loan to another patron. Notification of recall is issued immediately, but the initial 3 weeks' due date will not be shortened. Recalls can be requested by clicking the button below.

Recall an Item

For items "On Order" or "In Process" users may fill out a form by clicking the button below. Users are notified by email when the items are available for use. Please allow 7 working days for received items.

Rush an Item

Graduate Carrols

Graduate carrels are available for research. Patrons may download the Graduate Carrel form using the button below.

Download Form

Library Daily Hours
