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Library Public Services: Research & Instruction Services

This guide is a one-stop shop for all the services provided by the Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University

Reference & Instruction Desk

Research & Instruction Desk - taken by Rhonda Beecroft 7/27/2023

Public Services Department: Research and Instruction


Public Services Research and Instruction Department aims to equip students with essential library research skills for academic success and lifelong learning. We offer personalized guidance through reference interactions, course-related instruction, and web-based tutorials. Additionally, we curate information resources to support the university's programs and extend our services to the Wabash Valley, the nation, and beyond, in line with our commitment to public service and community engagement. 

Chat with Us!

There are several ways to receive assistance from the Indiana State University Library.

  • Call 812.237.2541 (or our secondary line, 812-237-2580) during library hours.
  • Chat or Submit a question ticket below through "Contact a Librarian".
  • Request an appointment with a Subject Librarian.
  • Contact your subject librarian directly to find a mutually convenient time.

Have a research need or a complicated assignment? 

Request an appointment

Have an event? Try the library!!

Distance Education Library Services

Distance Education Library Services

Distance learning students have direct access to the Reference Desk for help with research-related questions. Please check the ISU Services for Distance Education Students web page for more information.

Distance Learning at ISU

Instruction Services

Research and Instruction is committed to helping people make sense of library-based and Internet-based research and information searching. The Library is committed to the ideal of an information-literate campus and community. Please use the tabs above for more information.

Individualized Instruction

Individualized instruction is for both ISU-affiliated and community users. Faculty members can refer students for assistance, as needed, or students can contact library instruction services themselves. Individualized instruction is not intended to replace classroom instruction.

Consultation Services for Library-Related Exercises

Faculty members are encouraged to discuss and work with a Research and Instruction Librarian when creating library-related exercises for their students.

Instruction Services for Distance Learners

Distance faculty and students can request online instruction sessions, usually utilizing Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Subject librarians as well as the Distance Learning Librarian can provide additional information. Please see more at Distance Learning or see our LibGuide on Distance Education Library Services for specific distance learning services.


Information Rack

An Information Rack can be found near the first-floor computer cluster. Users can pick up an assortment of handouts that offer details about library services and resources. Instructors should not ask entire classes to pick up materials from the Information Rack since the library cannot assure handout availability at all times.

Library Instruction Classrooms

Cunningham Memorial Library offers two spaces for instructional classroom teaching. To schedule a class session or an individual instruction, call the Public Services Department, (812) 237-2541, Monday thru Friday.

Person walking into the Library Events AreaLibrary Events Area

(First Floor of Library)

Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events are held in this area.

This room comes equipped with three presentation screens up front, with digital screens in the back. Wall-to-wall audio, projectors and multiple ways for setting up.

Contact: Dara Middleton, Events Coordinator for additional information 

Computer Instruction Lab (Windows 10)

Room 230
(Second Floor of Library)

Instructional sessions are conducted in this 30-PC room with three large projection screens, a tracking camera, and edge-to-edge audio to complement the academic curriculum, from undergraduate through graduate level. We strongly encourage you to contact us for scheduling your sessions as early as possible since the calendar fills quickly each semester.

Lower Level Classroom
Room 028
(Lower Level of Library)

Instructional sessions and conference breakouts are conducted in this room. It is equipped with a computer, a large projection screen, a tracking camera, a Sympodium cart, DVD/VCR combo, and edge-to-edge audio to complement the academic curriculum, from undergraduate through graduate level. This room seats a maximum of 100 in lecture format or the front section can be 70 chairs in a lecture format with 6 tables and 16 chairs in the back section. 

Zoom Room

Room B21
(Located in the Basement of the Library)

Zoom and presentation sessions are conducted in this room by students and employees. This room is equipped with a 4-top table and digital screen with an HDMI connection for connecting laptops. This is a perfect room to practice your presentation skills!

Special Collection Rooms

The Cordell Room

The Reading Room

(located on 3rd Floor)

These rooms are used specifically to research or tour our ISU archives, rare books, and manuscripts, as well as the ISU permanent art collection.  Requests to use these rooms go through the Library Special Collections Department.



The Public Services Department caters to the informational and instructional requirements of the Indiana State University community, extending its aid to both students and faculty members in their exploration of library resources for research and curriculum-related inquiries.

Situated on the first floor of the library, the Reference Desk offers assistance through various channels:

CML Hours