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Library Public Services: Government Publications

This guide is a one-stop shop for all the services provided by the Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University

Government Publication Resources

Government Publications Resources


This section lists a variety of electronic resources for the United States government, as well as state and local level governments. International organizations are also covered. The ISU Library is a federal government depository, receiving approx. 25% of the materials available from the GPO (Government Publishing Office). The ISU Online Catalog lists US government publications added since 1976, but the print collection goes back much farther, and is searchable via print indexes. Increasingly electronic publication of federal government publications (plus those issued by this state and by the United Nations) is the norm. The Online Catalog records may link you to a print, microform and/or electronic full-text (usually a PDF) publication.
Government Documents New Home



Assistance in using the collections of the Government Publications Unit of Library Information Services is provided through the Reference Desk--one of the Reference Librarians is the Government Publications Specialist.



The Library has been a selective FDLP depository for United States Government publications since 1906. It has been a depository for publications of the state of Indiana since 1974, but does not contain publications from other states. The UN collection maintains the current issue of the UN International Financial Statistics yearbook. Materials in the UN collection form a retrospective collection; published through 2004. Other than these the ISU Documents collections do not include publications of international non-government organizations (NGOs), nor do they include publications of foreign governments.

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  • Chat or Submit a question ticket below through "Contact a Librarian".
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