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Government Resources

Where local, state, and federal government resources can be reached.

What is the Department of Defense?

The mission of the Department of Defense (DOD) is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department’s headquarters is at the Pentagon. The DOD consists of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as many agencies, offices, and commands, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. 

Combatant Commands

DOD Combatant Commands

Africa Command Protects and defends U.S. interests by strengthening the defense capabilities of African Nations.

Central Command Builds cooperation among nations throughout the Middle East.

Cyber Commands Defends and advances national interests.

European Command Works with NATO and partner nations to address security and defense in Europe and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia.

Indo - Pacific Command Works with its partners to promote development, enhance security, deter aggression and provide humanitarian assistance.

Northern Command Deters, detects and defeats threats to the U.S.

Southern Command Works with partners and allies across Central and South America to enhance peace, promote human rights, deter illegal activities and conduct multinational military exercises.

Space Command Conducts operations in, from, and to space to deter conflict.

Special Operations Command Oversees the various special operations components of the armed forces.

Strategic Command Operates globally to deter and detect strategic attacks against the U.S. 

Transportation Command Provides transportation capabilities for the military. 

The U.S. Marine Corps



Family Official resources and information for Marines and their families.


USMC History

USMC News The latest news and the coverage of news, events, videos, tweets and more from the U.S. Marine Corps.

USMC Press Releases

USMC Publications

Student Internship Program

The U.S. Navy