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Cunningham Memorial Library: Faculty Information and Resources: Home

Hours and Calendar of the Library

Use the link to locate information on when the library is open or closed.

Schedule Media for Class Use

This service is available only to faculty and Teaching Graduate Assistants for classroom instructional use.

This form may be submitted up to 4 months in advance of the class or event. Please keep in mind that the item may currently be checked out - allow sufficient time for staff to call the item back in. Once the item is secured, it will be kept at the Circulation Desk as a "scheduled hold" under the requestor's name. You will be notified by library staff to confirm the item has been secured for you, or if the item will not be available.

Circulation Policies

Circulation policy information is provided for faculty, staff, ISU students, and Non-ISU Affiliates.

Circulation Desk Phone Number:  (812) 237.2541


Welcome to the Faculty Information and Resources Library Guide.

Information and resources are provided on a variety of topics, including HIP, Information Literacy, Student Learning Outcomes, and Libguides.

Please contact your Librarian Liaison for further information on a topic listed or to find out how we can assist you in a number of areas concerning the classes you teach.

Research and Instruction Librarians

Library Liaison Librarians can assist faculty in the following areas:

Library instruction in the use of library catalogs and/or databases

Information Literacy

Provide support to students via Blackboard or Canvas (add us to your LMS)

Develop a library guide for your classes

High Impact Practices

Active Learning 

Provide resources for assignments

Ask us how we can help you!

Library Account Information

Your library account provides information on items you have checked out or put on hold.

You can renew items, request holds, view the lists you have created, or check your reading history.

Librarian for Communication; Multidisciplinary Studies; Political Science; Psychology; School of Criminology and Security Studies; and Social Work

Profile Photo
Karen Evans
Library 116