Our information literacy curriculum is premised upon several key concepts that have helped us articulate a robust set of outcomes for our students.
Essential to all work at ISU is the University's strategic plan. Our information literacy programming will expand the university's capacity by incorporating inclusive excellence in sustainable, high quality pedagogical practices.
Basing our work in inclusion and equity provides the realization that information literacy is a basic necessity for full participation in a democracy. Information is created with privileged sources that mediate the messages we receive. (Saunders) As a basic necessity, all of our students should learn how to navigate truth, information and mediated sources in the 21st century. As describled in the library's DEI plan, we prioritize our learner's needs and abilities by meeting them where they work and learn, both physically and intellectually.As such, our curriculum uses social justice to inform the outcomes we’ve developed for ISU students.
The core of our information literacy practices are based on the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The framework contains six frames, or concepts, which are used to developed information literacy practices. Basing our work in the framework has led us to incorporate the ACRL's 'knowledge practices" and "dispositions" as our learning objectives. For a more full discussion, visit the ACRL's framework page.
Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education" https://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework
Saunders, Laura. “Information Literacy Frameworks & Social Justice”. https://slis.simmons.edu/blogs/lsaunders/information-literacy-frameworks-social-justice/
Sauders, Laura. (2017) “Connecting Information Literacy and Social Justice: Why and How.” Communication in Information Literacy. 11:1. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1148869.pdf
Strategic Plan: There’s More to Blue. https://www.indstate.edu/strategic-goals#section=2
Learners will
Learners will
Learners will
Learners will
Learners will
Learners will
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Learners will
Learners will