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Educational Psychology

Use this guide as a pathway to information that will assist with study and research that is relevant to educational psychology

Material on this page incorporates materials shared by Dr. Carrie Ball who sourced them from the School Pshychology Trainers' Listserv


Any of the following articles that are not available through the CML's databases can be requested through InterLibraryLoan.


Explore the meaning of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies in the context of Black Lives Matter, addressing violence against Blacks by law enforcement, Black teens’ perceptions of their own racial identity, and the negative effects of media stereotyping of individuals who are economically disadvantaged. Brooks, M., & Phipps, G. (Eds.). (2019). Counseling African American clients in the era of Black Lives Matter, police brutality, and media stereotypes [Special issue]. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development47(3).

Bocanegra, J. O., Newell, M. L., & Gubi, A. A. (2016). Racial/ethnic minority undergraduate psychology majors’ perceptions about school psychology: Implications for minority recruitment. Contemporary School Psychology, 20(3), 270-281.

Blake, J, J., Graves, S., Newell, M., Jimerson, S. R. (2016). Diversification of school psychology: Developing an evidence base from current research and practice. School Psychology Quarterly 31(3), 305.

Gross, T. J. & Malone, C. M. (2018). Examination of multicultural courses offered across school psychology training programs. Contemporary School Psychology. Advance online publication:

Hook, Davis, Owen, Worthington and Utsey (2013). Reflections on cultural humility.,%5Bperson%5D%E2%80%9D%20(p.

Joseph, T. & Hirshfield, L. (2009).  Why don’t you get somebody new to do it?  Race and cultural taxation in the academy.  Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34, 124-141.

Liu, W. M., Liu, R. Z., Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., Chan, L., Ho, Y. C. S., & Yeung, C. W. (2019). Racial trauma, microaggressions, and becoming racially innocuous: The role of acculturation and White supremacist ideology. American Psychologist, 74(1), 143–155.

Malone, C. M., & Ishmail, K. Z. (2020). A snapshot of multicultural training in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools.

Mena, J. A., & Rogers, M. R. (2017). Factors associated with multicultural teaching competence: Social justice orientation and multicultural environment. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11(2), 61.

Morgan Consoli, M. L., & Marin, P. (2016). Teaching diversity in the graduate classroom: The instructor, the students, the classroom, or all of the above?. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(2), 143.

Noltemeyer, A. L., Proctor, S. L., & Dempsey, A. (2013). Race and ethnicity in school psychology publications: A content analysis and comparison to publications in related disciplinesContemporary School Psychology, 17(1), 129-142.

Proctor, S. L., & Truscott, S. D. (2012). Reasons for African American student attrition from school psychology programs. Journal of School Psychology, 50(5), 655–679. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2012.06.002 

Proctor, S. L., Kyle, J., Fefer, K., & Lau, Q. C. (2018). Examining racial microaggressions, race/ethnicity, gender, and bilingual status with school psychology students: The role of intersectionality. Contemporary School Psychology, 22(3), 355-368. 

Proctor, S. L., Kyle, J., Lau, C., Fefer, K., & Fischetti, J. (2016). Racial Microaggressions and School Psychology Students: Who Gets Targeted and How Intern Supervisors Can Facilitate Racial Justice. School Psychology Forum,10(3). 321-336. 

Ross, J. (2020). Not being fully free: The toll of everyday racism on Black Americans.

Settles, I.,  Buchanan, N. & Dotson, K. (2019).  Scrutinized but not recognized: (In) visibility and hypervisibility experiences of faculty of color.  Journal of Vocational Behavior,113, 62-74.

Utt, J. & Tochluk, S. (2016). White teacher, know thyself: Improving anti-racist praxis through racial identity development. Urban Education, 55(1), 125-152. doi: 10.1177/0042085916648741

Yancy, G. (2018). The ugly truth of being a black professor in America.  Chronicle of Higher Education.

Zhou, Z., Bray, M. A., Kehle, T. J., Theodore, L. A., Clark, E., & Jenson, W. R. (2004). Achieving ethnic minority parity in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 41(4), 443-450.