Use caution with ChatGPT and other AI services:
Indiana State University does not have any legal agreements with any AI developer that provides any assurance of data confidentiality. Therefore, putting data into ChatGTP or similar services is equivalent to disclosing the data to the public. Therefore, all ISU employees must use the same data sharing precautions that we use every day with the new technology. Specifically, this means the following information should not be placed into any AI service:
Any data whose disclosure to the public would be considered a breach under FERPA, HIPAA, PCI, GLBA or any other Federal or State Statute.
Examples include (not exhaustive):
AI/Chat GPT Faculty Fellow
Dr. Jiim Greene
Dept. of English
located in the FCTE
The developments around Artificial Intelligence (AI) synthesized text are in flux and the rules that are expressed in this syllabus may need to change on short notice; this may affect the contents of assignments, as well as their evaluation. Artificial Intelligence resources are widely available to generate text, images, code, and other media. The student assumes full responsibility for AI-generated materials; ideas must be attributed, and facts must be true. AI tools may only be used when expressly permitted by the instructor, and use must be open and documented.
Adapted from The Sentient Syllabus Project (2022),
Sponsoring Unit
Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence