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Physics: Sources


Physics Journals in the ISU Library Catalog

To search for specific ISU journal subscriptions, we recommend the following: 

  • On the ISU Library homepage, click Classic Catalog.
  • Search for the journal title as a Title and the term periodicals as a Subject.

Title: open chemical physics journal
Subject: periodicals

Now, even this Fusion Plus journal search can be inexact. For titles like Science, it may retrieve a few book series as well as journals. You may need to skim the Results list to find your journal title. But it often does narrow the results enough so that you can skim for your title. Print, electronic, and Remote Storage items will all be listed as separate records so you may have to click multiple records to verify access.

Chemistry Databases

Think! If your topic is in organic chemistry or biochemistry, perhaps the biology databases will have information for you. If your topic is in physical chemistry, check the physics databases. If your topic is health related, check the health databases. If you're investigating the chemical industry, check the business databases, too.

Internet Resources in Physics

Physics Data Sources

Subject Guide

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Shelley Arvin
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Cunningham Memorial Library, rm 113
Website Skype Contact: shelley.arvin

Nobel Prize Winners

Research exploring some basic chemistry concepts won some lucky chemists the Nobel Prize many, many years ago. These same basic chemistry concepts may be taught to undergraduates. You can find out if any Nobel Prize was associated with your topic. You can use the information in the winner's biography or their acceptance speech to locate the publications that won them the award.  You may search using the winner's name to find their publications.

You may add additional search words to the Google Search box below in order to search the Nobel Prize website. The use of  site:  is an advanced Google trick to search only within a specific website.

Google Web Search