³H.H.A. Beach, Sonata in A Minor for Violin and Piano, Opus 24 (New York: De Capo, 1986)
Beach, H.H.A. Sonata in A Minor for Violin and Piano, Opus 24. New York: De Capo, 1986.
Conducted by You
¹Mary O'Grady, interview by the author, Barre, VT, March 2, 2004.
Conducted by You When You Cannot Reveal Name of Person Interviewed
²Interview with a psychologist, April 1, 2008.
From Television
³Gerda Lerner, interview by Jane Doe, American Women Through History, PBS, April 3, 2004.
From the Internet
¹Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin, interview by Greta Van Susternen, On the Record w/Greta, FoxNews, February 18, 2009, http://www.foxnews.com/ontherecord/ (accessed July 16, 2009).
Please note: Interviews are only cited in the footnotes, not the Bibliography at the end of the paper.
Photograph from a Database
¹C.T. Chapman, "Carrie Chapman Catt," 1917, Schlesinger History of American Women in America Collection. http://library.artstor.org/library/secure/ViewImages?id=4iFLcDwwJloxLyk4dzF%2BRw%3D%3D&userId=hD1AfDw%3D&zoomparams=">http://library.artstor.org/library/secure/ViewImages?id=4iFLcDwwJloxLyk4dzF%2BRw%3D%3D&userId=hD1AfDw%3D&zoomparams= (accessed October 29, 2009).
Painting from a Database
²Egon Schiele, Seated Woman. 1917, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. http://library.artstor.org/library/secure/ViewImages?id=%2FDFMaiMuOztdLS0wdD5%2BR30o&userId=hD1AfDw%3D&zoomparams= (accessed October 16, 2009).
Please note: Paintings, sculpure, photographs, and other artworks are lited only in the footnotes,not at the Bibiography at the end of the paper.
¹1 Cor. 6:1-10 (Jerusalem Bible).
²Qur'an 19:17-21.
Please note: The Bible and other sacred works are listed in footnotes, but not in the Bibliography at the end of the paper. If you are using a sacred work with a particular version, include the version in parentheses after the chapter and verse (as above).
Follow the style guide – ALWAYS. This is not time to be creative. Don’t agonize about why the guide tells you to do something, just do it!
Be consistent. If the style guide says to use italics for the title of the book or journal (and Chicago does) use italics ALWAYS.
Don’t mix style guides. Chicago and MLA cannot be used simultaneously in a paper. Choose one and stick to it.
If you don’t know how to cite a particular source, look it up. The style guide has thought of nearly every type of source.
Print off the citation of the source you consulted, when you consult it. Don’t say, “I’ll do it later,” or “I am not sure I want to use this source, I’ll go back to it if I do.” Going back later without the citation is often impossible.
With these style guides you can choose to use either footnotes or endnotes. Always ask your instructor if s/he prefers one or the other.
Place a raised number, called a superscript at the end of the last word of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. This number corresponds to the numbered note that provides citation information about your source.
If you place the notes at the bottom of the page, they are called Footnotes. Notes placed at the end of the paper are called Endnotes. The notes are numbered consecutively.
Word processing programs have features that number and create footnote and endnotes within your paper. You will still need to check the formatting of each individual citation to make sure it agrees with the style guide.
No matter which method you choose, you will also need to have a Bibliography at the end of your paper.