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One stop shop to learn about the variety of databases available to ISU

EBSCOhost Databases

EBSCO is not a database. EBSCO is a vendor or "aggregator."

EBSCOhost is a company that provides several databases to ISU. EBSCO databases may be accessed and searched simlultaneously or individually through the EBSCO interface. The advantage to this is that you only need to learn one interface to search each databse. a caution, though, is that each database has its own special features unique to itself that may need to be considered when searching.

EBSCOhost databases include Academic Search Premier, Biological Abstracts, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Clinical Pharmacology, Corporate ResourceNet, EBSCO Animals, ERIC, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, GeoRef, Health Business FullTEXT, Health Source: Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Knight Ridder Collection, MAS Ultra - School Edition, MasterFILE Premier, MEDLINE, Middle Search Plus, Military & Government Collection, MLA Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Newspaper Source, Primary Search, Professional Development Collection, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Regional Business News, SPORT Discus.

EBSCO Image Quick View

Image Quick View inserts article images directly onto each Result List, for instant access to the enlarged image.Also available from the EBSCOhost New Features page where users can learn about and sample newly released features, Image Quick View adds pertinent thumbnail images such as charts, photos, maps and illustrations, from over 3,300 journals, to Result List items. Full-sized images can be viewed by simply clicking on any thumbnail image in the Result List, without opening the record first, providing users with instant views of the article's image content.

Entry into EBSCO databases with unique feature:

  • Enter search terms.
  • Articles with images, including photos, charts, graphs, etc. will appear on the View. So, not only might the article itself be of use to you, but there is an image associated with the article that you might be able to use to fulfill this requirement. You can move from database to database once inside this EBSCO link.

EBSCO Visual Search

This is different from the above search. From most EBSCOhost databases, you can reach a separate database containing photographs. Link in via Academic Search Premier. Find this link in the headers [images forthcoming]: 


You can search the entire collection, or specify

  • photos of people
  • photos of places
  • natural science
  • maps
  • flags
  • historical photos

You can also look for a specific type:

  • black/white photo
  • color
  • graph
  • map
  • chart
  • diagram
  • illustration

Open the image link as you would an article link. Email or Download the Record, with a link back to the Image. Right click' to save the actual image. Save a copy of the Persistent link to each image.


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