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ARTstor is accessible through Cunningham Library via the E-Resources or from ARTstor.

System Requirements


To use all of ARTstor's features, pop-up blockers must either be disabled or set to allow pop-ups from ARTstor.  How do I disable pop-up blockers? 

Please see System Requirements for other technical questions about accessing ARTstor.

Shared Folders

Once you have saved images into a work folder that you want to share with your class, you may create a folder you or other students in class may access. 

Creating a folder

  • To create a folder, go to the drop-down menu titled Share, then select Create folders, and in the pop-up window, type in the folder name.
  • If you wish for the folder to be password-protected, you may create and confirm a password that you share with other students.

Adding images to shared folder

  • Under the drop-down menu Share, go to Manage folders and drag any work folders you want to share with other students.  On the right-hand side of this page, you may also make any administrative changes, such as password change, that you wish to make.
  • After you have shared your password with other students, under Manage folders, in a specific folder view, you will can click on the tab My Students to see the list of students who have logged in to view this folder.  Click on a specific name and you will see their rights access, such as "Read only."

Opening a Shared Folder

  • For students or other colleagues to open your shared folder, you will need to give them the password that you created.  They may then go to the ARTStor digital library homepage and to the Find menu, then scroll to: Unlock password-protected folder to enter the password.

Presenting Images

To present images as a slide show, there are three options: online viewing in ARTstor, Offline Image Viewer, and Power Point.

Online viewing

You may present a collection of images in your folder, simply by bringing up the large view of an image and using the arrow ◄►buttons at the bottom of the window to either go to the next image or return to the previous image.

Offline Image Viewer

The Offline Image Viewer (OIV) is a slide show available in ARTstor.  Images presented in the OIV will allow you to present a larger image size, if available, than in Power Point.  You may download your folder of saved images in ARTstor to the OIV's image palette for editing and combine these images with your personal images. 

To download the OIV, you will need to be logged into ARTstor and go to the menu Tools > Download offline presentation tool OIV. To show an OIV presentation, you will need to confirm that a copy of the OIV is on the computer you use for your presentation. How do I create a presentation using the OIV? 

Power Point

You have two options for using ARTstor images in Power Point.  You may either save images outside of the ARTstor environment and load them into a slide show or you may export an entire image group you have saved in your ARTstor folder into Power Point.  The images will load in the same order in which you saved them.  For more information about this tool, see the help menu on Export image group to Power Point.  

Approximately 90% of the images in ARTstor will download to 1024 dpi on the long side.  This size is large enough for a good Power Point slide.  You may also view how to download an image and put it into a Power Point slide on the ARTstor on You Tube page.

About ARTstor

ARTstor contains approximately one million images of art, architecture, photography, sculpture and documents related to several disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences.  Images are for the purpose of scholarly use - teaching and research.  They may be used in classroom presentations, study guides, and scholarly projects.  Students may use these images in their papers, provided that they cite them using the correct citation style for their assignment.  This information will help you get started searching ARTstor and using its various tools for saving and presenting these images.


Searching and Browsing

Searching & browsing images

Searching and browsing are the two basic options for finding images in ARTstor's digital library

The basic search is a keyword search, and any terms you enter here will be retrieved from all of the information associated with each image.  Advanced search, accessible under the Find menu, allows you to refine your search.  For example, if you are searching for works by the artist, Van Gogh, select "in Creator only" to narrow your search only to those works attributed to him.  Other search limits here include a specific date or date range, geography, or classification, such as: Drawings and watercolors.

If your search returns more than 1,000 results, you will be prompted to narrow your search in Advanced Search or you may select View the results.

Browsing is a good way to review images by Geography, Classification, or Collections.  Several of these groupings or their sub-groupings have hundreds or thousands of images.  To narrow your search, select the Advanced search option.

Viewing images

To view an image, double-click on its thumbnail and the larger size will open up in a new window.  At the bottom of this window are buttons that allow you to change your view: zoom in or out, reset the image to its full size, or maximize/minimize your image view. To advance to the next image or return to the previous one, click on the arrow ◄► buttons. 

The "i" button will bring up information about the image. You may also find this information by double-clicking on the text under each thumbnail image.  The two tabs, Information and File Properties, will pop-up.  Under File Properties, you will find the Download Size and the URL or link for the image.

Save and print are also options. 

Saving Images

You may download images to your computer or save them in your personal folder in ARTstor.  To do either of these tasks, you will need to be logged in through the University to access.

Downloading images

To save images to your computer, double-click on a thumbnail to bring up the large view of the image.  At the bottom of this view, double-click on the save button.  The image and its information will save as two separate files.  After you have saved them, you may  then change the file names as you wish.  

You can find the download size of any image by clicking on the "i" button in the large view or double click on the text under the thumbnail and go to the File Properties tab.  Over 90% of the images in ARTstor are 1024 dpi on the long side and may be used in Power Point.  To present a larger-size image, you may use it in ARTstor's Offline Image Viewer (OIV).    

Saving images in personal folders

To select images to save in your personal folder, click on each thumbnail to highlight the frame around the image.  Click on the Organize menu tab and go to Save selected images to... > new, existing or recently opened folders.  You may return to this folder or other ones that you have created and saved when you login the next time by going to Organize > Open image group.

Creating a Detailed View to Save From

You may either save the entire image or a detail of it.  To create a detail, open the large view of an image and use the zoom in button to move into the details of the image.  In the lower right corner of your view, you will see a frame of the area that you are zooming.  You may also move this frame to the area you wish to capture.  Once you have the detailed view you want to save, click on the save button to download it.

Using Blackboard

Another way to share your images with others: each image or image group has a URL or link that you may paste into Blackboard.

Where do I find the URLs?

  • For a single image, you may double-click on the text under the thumbnail and bring up a window with two tabs: Information and File Properties.  Under File Properties, you will find the field for the URL. Alternately, in the large view of an image, you may click on the "i" button to find the URL. A third choice is to right click on the image and select: Generate Image URL.
  • For a group of images on a thumbnail page of search results, highlight the images you want to share and go to the menu Share > Generate image group URL. To highlight all of these images, go to the menu Organize > Select all images on page.
  • For a group of images in your folder simply go to the menu Share > Generate image group URL.

More information about linking to images in ARTstor.