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Media Writing: Informative Research

Created to support journalism courses including Media Writing - introduction to writing for broadcast media [print, TV, Internet, radio, public relations]

Informative Speeches: Basic Info

Informative speeches at ISU require that you choose/describe a community or civic process, idea, theory, issue, event or problem, in an interesting manner.

Goal: Teach, explain, help audience understand; share important information

BUT DO NOT TRY TO 'PERSUADE'; that comes later

Informative Research Resources

Utilize the resources found in other LibGuides to help you find resources on many topics that you would be writing about.

Informative Article Ideas

Topic Selection Helper from University of Hawai'i - Maui'sCommunity College Speech Department:

  • General Subjects
  • Popular Themes
  • Topics Based on Students' Own Lives
  • Topics for "How-to" Speeches