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Media Writing: Mass Communication Research

Created to support journalism courses including Media Writing - introduction to writing for broadcast media [print, TV, Internet, radio, public relations]

Mass Communication Research: general information

Researching Group Presentation Topics is similar to other research. However, you may choose to divide up the work.

Many of the other LibGuides will have links to reference sources or internet sites that can provide you with all the information you need. You can browse the LibGuide titles from the LibGuides homepage. You can also do a word search.

For example, let's say you need to find information on a country. Try searching for the specific country name, or more generally; e.g. country; countries; country information. That way, you can go to the specific 'page' within the LibGuide that contains the word match and you can see if the resources/information there are helpful to you.   

Of course, you may need to start from scratch too! Back to the article databases, online catalog, etc.

Group Project: Mass Communication

To meet the research requirements of the Group Presentation topics under Mass Communication, the Library pulls many books from the collection and places them on Course Reserve for the duration of the project. That allows all students from all sections of Comm 101 to have access to these items. Find your topic on the list below, then click on the tabs under Group Presentation [above] to see what is available for your topic. Major items will be will be placed on 4-hour reserve; others that may be of limited help are left in their regular locations, so 1st come/1st get! Topics listed below are from the original list; if you have selected a topic not on this list, please let the librarian know asap.

  • Resources for ALL TOPICS
    • Federal Communications Commission
    • Nielsen Media Research
    • Motion Picture Association of America
    • Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
    • Entertainment Software Ratings Board
    • Viacom
    • Disney
    • News Corp 
    • AOL/Time Warner 
    • Harpo Productions
    • Microsoft
    • Apple Computer Inc.
    • Indiana Statesman
    • Tribune-Star (Terre Haute)
    • Indianapolis Star
    • Wall Street Journal
    • USA Today
    • Time Magazine
    • Newsweek
    • People Weekly
    • New York Times
    • National Public Radio 
    • National Public Television 
    • WISU Radio/TV
    • ESPN
    • Satellite Radio (Sirius/XM)
    • Facebook/MySpace
    • YouTube
    • Cell Programs (ex. iPhone, VCast)
    • DVD/BlueRay
    • DVR/TiVo