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Indiana State University website
Today's Hours


Created to support journalism courses including Media Writing - introduction to writing for broadcast media [print, TV, Internet, radio, public relations]

Cell Programs, DVD, DVR

Subject heading: Cellular telephones

  • Cellphone : the story of the world's most mobile medium and how it has transformed everything! by Paul Levinson - Browsing TK6570.M6 L44 2004
  • New tech, new ties : how mobile communication is reshaping social cohesion by Rich Ling - HE9713 .M43 2008
  • Txtng : the Gr8 Db8 by David Crystal ; with cartoons by Ed McLachlan - TK5105.73 .C79 2008
  • AVAILABLE AT ROSE-HULMAN LIBRARY: 24/7 : how cell phones and the Internet change the way we live, work, and play / Jarice Hanson at 303.4833 H251t



PC Magazine's Encyclopedia: (VIDeo podCAST) A video clip designed to be viewed in a portable device. Also called a "vcast," "vodcast" and "videocast," a vidcast is the video counterpart of a podcast and uses the same RSS syndication method for delivering material to users. See podcast and vlog. BUT VCast is also a specific product from Verizon, so be careful about finding info online.

