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Finding Full Text: Reading Citations

How to find full-text when starting from a citation

Quick Method to Find Full-Text at ISU

A quick method to try to find full-text at ISU is to use the Discovery Service on the ISU homepage. 

Elements of a Citation

A citation is a record of an information source, such as a book, book chapter, journal article, newspaper article, blog entry, Web page, Web site, law, map, music score, image, thesis, film, letter, or other source.

Citations are structured according to the rules of a citation style such as MLA, APA, Chicago style, or hundreds of other styles. These rules specify what elements of the information source must be recorded in the citation, where it should be placed, and how it should look. Because of this precise placement and look of the elements, the reader can recognize the title, author and other parts of a citation necessary to find the actual information source.

It is important to recognize the different elements in a citation in order to find the full-text of that citation. Then you can read that information source for yourself and decide what you think about it.

Finding Citations

"But I don't even know what I want yet!"

If you have not yet found any citations or records of books, journal articles, and citations for your needs, use the Fusion Catalog to look for books, journal titles, and other items owned by the ISU Library and use the Library databases to search for journal, newspaper, and magazine articles.

How to Find Full-Text Handout


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