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Today's Hours

Finding Full Text: Public Options

How to find full-text when starting from a citation

Finding Full-Text for the Public

  • A local hospital or clinic library may offer support to nursing staff via Interlibrary Loan, DOCLINE, or Lonesome Doc. You may have to contact them to arrange this beforehand. You may have to physically visit the library.
  • Your local public library may offer Interlibrary Loan to local residents. There may be a fee or a limit to the number of articles requested, depending upon the rules of the public library.
  • Some professional organizations supply access to members for their own publications.
  • Generally the site features free access to one journal each month and you can often find free access to full text for some articles or purchase them for less than $10.
  • Search engine search of the Internet.
  • PubMed Central provides free full-text of government funded research.
  • DeepDyve Offers Free, 5-Minute Preview of Journal Articles

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Shelley Arvin
Contact me for help. I will work with you to find the way to best help you. Options will consider appropriate agreeable and safe communication and location solutions for you. Email is a good way to contact me.

WED in HHS Building,
Student Lounge A-137 @ 10 AM.
FRI in Science Building,
2nd Floor Lookout from 1-3 PM.
Other appointments as arranged.
Pro Re Nata Blog
Biology; Chemistry & Physics; Nursing; Applied Health Sciences; Applied Medicine & Rehabilitation; Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport
Cunningham Memorial Library, rm 113
Website Skype Contact: shelley.arvin