Please contact the ISU Library to request a workshop.
Software: EndNote - Newest version available
If you need assistance please contact the the reference area or call 812.237.2580.
System Requirement:
Windows 2000 or XP, Pentium 450 MHz or faster processor, at least 256 MB of available RAM and at least 180 MB of free space.
EndNote X7 installs MLA Style with a flaw. Follow the instructions to fix it yourself in EndNote.
Instead of fixing the flaw yourself, if you prefer, you may download the following file to replace that flawed file. Install to your hard drive at C:\Program Files\EndNote X7\Styles and the EndNote software will automatically detect it.
EndNote is a bibliographic management software. This software will store, create, and manage your citation information and format and insert the citations for you into a Microsoft Word document. The many existing citation styles follow very strict rules. Computers are excellent at following rules so a software program that formats citations for you can work very well. But computers are not good at exceptions to rules. For this reason, you still must learn the rules of your citation style(s) so that you can tell EndNote when to make an exception.
EndNote is very useful if you will be writing many papers or if you are working on a long-term research project where you expect to collect many, many citations. However, it does take time to learn so do not try to learn EndNote for a paper due only a few days later.
The Indiana State University Library has a site license to EndNote to make it freely available to ISU faculty, staff, and students. Those not affiliated with ISU must purchase the software.
EnNote installs a Sample Library for training purposes. It is (usually) installed at the following location on your computer.
C:\Program Files\EndNote\Examples schedule of upcoming Endnote classes. When clicked, the training schedule allows you to change to your time zone.
World Time Zones:
Indiana Time Zones:
EndNote Training: (ISI company-created video tutorials, Getting Started Guide, and Webinar classes)
EndNote can import records from the Fusion Catalog.
Use these EndNote Handouts to walk yourself through a Training Workshop and teach yourself the basics of EndNote.
You can use this Word document to practice Cite While You Write in EndNote. The text is taken from our Web site. For instructional purposes only.
To import records from CQ Researcher into EndNote,
CQ Researcher records may not import the date correctly. You will need to manually correct the Year and Date fields in the EndNote records. In addition, the volume number will not import and you will have to manually enter it.
EndNote X7 downloads APA 6th Style with a flaw. Follow the instructions to fix it yourself in EndNote.
Instead of fixing the flaw yourself, if you prefer, you may download the following file to replace that flawed file. Install to your hard drive at C:\Program Files\EndNote X7\Styles and the EndNote software will automatically detect it.
Save the following citation styles to the folder (usually) located at
C:\Program Files\EndNote X?\Styles
to be able to use them in EndNote