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CSE Style Guide: Publishers

Citation style tips based upon the Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Author, Editors and Publishers, 7th edition, 2006.

General Rules for Publishers

A publisher is the "person, firm, or corporate body responsible for making a work available to the public" (NISO). Publisher information is usually found on the title page or verso of the title page of a book or the cover of  journal issues. Record the name as it appears in the publication.

Publisher name is omitted from references to journal and newspaper articles but is required for all other types of publications (

Books and Monographs

Omit the initial 'The' from a publisher name.

Well-known publisher names can be abbreviated. J. B. Lippincott Company becomes Lippincott.

Give the names of divisions within an organization in hierarchial order from highest to lowest, the highest being the one familiar to the audience.

For example, the National Weather Service (NWS) is under the National Ocieanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is under the Department of Commerce. Since the NWS is well known, A publication coming from the Climate Predicition Center of the NWS could be given the publisher designation, "National Weather Service (US), Climate Prediction Center."

When the nationality is not included in the publisher name, place the ISO 2-letter country code after the name, as in National Weather Service (US).


If more than one publisher is given, use the first one given or the one most familiar to the audience.

Do not confuse the publisher and the distributor. Common distributors of US government publications are the GPO and the NTIS. Include the distributor as a note.

Levedahl JW, Matsumoto M. U.S. domestic food assistance programs: lessons from the past. Washington (DC): Department of Agriculture (US), Economic Research Service; 1990 Jan. 17 p. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB90-182932.

End publisher information with a period.



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