The 3rd Annual ISU Work-Life Integration conference will be held Mon. Oct. 21 from 8 am – 6 pm and Tues. Oct. 22 from 8 am – 3 pm in the Cunningham Library Events area. Dr. Linda Duxbury, Professor at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, will be our keynote speaker on Mon. Oct. 21 at 4 pm. {biography below}
Sessions are open to students, staff, faculty and community members. For further information contact Dr. Debra Israel ( or Dr. Barbara Eversole The conference is made possible through funding from ISU’s Strategic Plan Goal 6, Initiative #1: “Enhance the quality of life for faculty and staff.”
Co-sponsors of the conference include the Center for Health, Wellness, and Life Enrichment, the Cunningham Memorial Library, the Department of Economics, the Department of Human Resource Development and Performance Technologies, the Women’s Studies Program, and Interdisciplinary Programs.
3rd Annual ISU Work-Life Integration Conference Program
Mon. October 21
8 – 8:50 am Panel Discussion on ISU resources for Work-Life Integration
9 – 9:50 am The Daily Commute: Wellness, Work-Life Balance, and Alternative Transportation
Organized by Debra Israel, Associate Prof. of Economics and Women’s Studies
10-10:50 am Economics of Work-Life Balance
11-11:50 am Iconoclast: Reimagining the Iconography of Motherhood
12-12:50 pm Book discussion of “Over Ten Million Served: Gendered Service in Language and Literature Workplaces” edited by Michelle A. Masse and Katie J. Hogan (box lunch provided — to reserve lunch contact
1 -1:50 pm Mindfulness Meditation: Bringing Balance to Eating, Health and Life
2 pm – 3:15 pm Panel Discussion on Academic Mothers
3:30 pm Reception
4–5:30 pm Keynote Speaker: Dr. Linda Duxbury, Professor at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, “Something’s Got to Give
Tues. October 22
8 – 9:15 am Lifework Balance and Employment Retention
9:30 – 10:45 am Perceptions of Life-Work Balance and Parenting Concerns
11-11:50 am In the Family Way and Out of Work: Pregnancy and Unemployment Insurance 1940-1979
12 – 12:50 Book Reviews and Roundtable Discussion: Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg; Let IT go, by Dame Stephanie Shirley; My Beloved World, by Sonia Sotomayor; Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection, by Debora Spar (box lunch provided—to reserve lunch contact
Facilitated by:
1 – 1:50 pm Funding vs. Floundering: Even small grant funds can reap big benefits
A grant writing workshop with Liz Metzger, ISU Office of Sponsored Programs (bring your laptop to tailor the workshop to your needs) – Co-sponsored by the Charlotte Zietlow Endowment Committee
2 – 3 pm Panel Discussion/Roundtable Work-Life Integration Challenges on the Tenure Track
Keynote Speaker Bio: Dr. LINDA DUXBURY
Linda Duxbury is a Professor at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. She received an M.A.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo. Within the past decade she has completed major studies on Balancing Work and Family in the public, private Sectors and not for profit sectors; HR and Work-family Issues in the Small Business Sector; Management Support (What is it and Why does it Matter?); Career Development in the Public Sector and in the High Tech Sector; generational differences in work values. Dr. Duxbury has also (and is currently) conducted research which evaluates the organizational and individual impacts of E-mail, portable offices, cellular telephones, blackberry’s, telework, flexible work arrangements, shiftwork and change management and studying what makes a “supportive” manager. She has completed three national studies (1991, 2001, 2012) on work-life balance in which over 70,000 Canadian employees participated.
Dr. Duxbury has published widely in both the academic and practitioner literatures in the area of work-family conflict, change management, supportive work environments, stress, telework, the use and impact of office technology, managing the new workforce and supportive management. She has also given over 350 plenary talks on these issues to public, private and not for profit sector audiences.
Dr. Duxbury is also an accomplished trainer and speaker in the area of supportive work environments, work-life balance, managing the new workforce, recruitment and retention, change management, gender and communication and the communication process.