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CRIM/ECON 355: Economics of Crime: Books

Searching for Books on Economics & Crime

Books can be a good source to get you in depth information. Books are longer than articles and can go into detail. 

Books on your topic can be searched for in the library catalog, or in the WorldCat database of multiple library catalogs. 

Searches on economics and crime are not always simple.

The Classic Catalog or the Fusion Catalog have features to help searching but they have limitations for this topic. Depending upon the aspect of crime you are exploring in your research project, you may need to use keywords, Subjects, or a combination of both. You may need a specific, targeted search. Or you may need to broaden your search to find books all about economics of crime and then look through the pages to see if your topic is within.

Possible Library of Congress Subject Headings

  • Crime--Econometric models
  • Crime--Economic aspects--Mathematical models

The physical books will not all be located in the same part of the library due to the broad variety of crimes and the many aspects of economics that may be applied to examine the various issues surrounding these problems. But we also have many e-books that can be read on your devices from anywhere you have Internet.

Books on Benefit Cost Analysis

Economics & Crime Books

Karen Evans

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Karen Evans
Library 116