Librarians are available to assist you! They can give you an overview of library services, meet with you to develop research strategies, and introduce you to library resources in your major. Call or e-mail your discipline librarian to schedule a meeting. You can also use the Email a Librarian or Reference Chat links to speak with a librarian. This is a free service for you, take advantage of the help!
"Tutorial Services offered by the Center for Student Success (CFSS) are free of charge and open to all ISU students currently enrolled. A combination of one-on-one and small group tutorials are offered for many courses. Tutoring may be long-term, short-term, or single visit, depending upon the needs of the student. Students are tutored on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the semester. Tutoring is by appointment. To sign up for a tutor, a student should go to the 1st floor in Normal Hall."
The Writing Center is open and operational during ISU's online-only instruction period. To meet with a tutor for a "drop-in" or scheduled appointment, call (812) 237-2989. While the tutor will offer suggestions on the student's writing or how to solve a particular problem, the student maintains ownership of his or her work at all times. Meeting with a tutor is free.
Your university has many resources to help you create a successful academic career and prepare for a professional position. Take a look at the resources on this page and decide how they can help you and how you can incorporate them into your academic life.
Speaking up in class can be difficult for students. Speaking up or participating in class discussions can provide many benefits. Speaking up can help you articulate your thoughts and ideas, develop poise in front of others, receive participation points for your final grade, and get you noticed by your professors. Why is it important that your professor notice you in class? One reason is references for employment. Professors can write impressive reference letters; but they need to know you well enough to write that letter. Read the assignments, think about what you read, and speak up in class. The benefits are great.
The Math Tutoring Lab Goals include:
You may find the idea of going to office hours scary. Why would you go? What would you say? There are several reasons to go to office hours. You may have a question about your grade for an assignment or an upcoming assignment. These are great reasons to see your professor during office hours. Professors can give you tips on understanding the material and studying for tests. Professors who know their students can write great reference letters and speak positively about your skills in reference interviews. Attending occasional office hours can provide great benefits for you.