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Start Smart: Tips for Student Success at University: Personal Stuff (But Worth Knowing)

This guide provides resources on student success at college or university.

Sleep or Party?

Missing sleep can negatively impact your life; from falling sleep in class, missing assignment due dates.  Check out the tips to make sure you are getting enough sleep every night.

Did I Eat the Entire Pizza?

The freshman 15 or freshman 40 weight gain may be famous among first year students.  The weight gain does not have to happen; take a look at some of the information available to help you avoid the extra weight.

No Does Mean NO!!

Sexual assault, stalking, harassment, and unwanted attention can happen to any student.  Always be aware of your surroundings.  If you are out after dark, use the buddy system.  Let a friend know where you are going and when you will return.  

Look at the resources below for ways to be safe on campus.

Start Here!

Attending university or college creates big changes in your life; especially if you move from home and are living on your own.  You are responsible for your decisions and actions.  The decisions you make can have consequences for the rest of your life.  Think before you take action!

In Our Library

Librarian for Criminology and Security Studies

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Karen Evans
Library 116

Feeling Stressed and Frazzled?

Feeling stressed and frazzled can happen to anyone. Check out the resources listed here.  If you want to talk to someone about your feelings, contact your campus Student Counseling Center.  The phone number for the ISU Student Counseling Center on campus is 812.237.3939.  The office is located on the second floor of Gillum Hall on campus.