State departments' guidelines for managing COVID-19. Websites include links to the department's latest information on COVID-19 and tips for conducting business with the department during the shutdown .
ISU Library provides students and faculty access to databases that have information that is needed for their research. Additionally, during this time of transitioning to an online environment, some databases like Elsevier, ScienceDirect and JStor are opening their vaults and providing substantial amounts of content for “free” to academic libraries like ISU Library. This "free" content will be listed among the articles that are the results of a search conducted in any of the library's databases. It simply means that in some cases, articles that had previously "cost" the library, are now free until further notice. An “A to Z” list of the library databases is found here:
However, there is a vast body of excellent online electronic information that falls under the category of “Open Access” which means that the content is freely available on the internet. OERs include books, videos, sound recordings, images, articles, data sets, and question banks, among other things. The Electronic Resources Librarian has created several LibGuides that explain how to make use of these scholarly information sources. Start here to learn more about OERs: