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General Resources

The following are general resources that address inclusion, diversity, anti-racism and/or decolonization as it relates to children's literature. Many of these are good sites for locating books for young readers.

50 Years of Diversity in YA : This open source document highlights the history of marginalized people in young adult literature

Bringing Diversity to Children's Literature : video featuring Dr. Zetta Elliott (author) and Léonicka Valcius (literary agent)

CBC DiversityThe CBC Diversity initiative was founded in 2012, as part of the Children’s Book Council’s commitment to promoting diverse voices in literature for young people.

¡Colorin Colorado!  Offers booklists of their favorite titles for children and young adults, representing a wide range of cultures and languages. Also includes author interviews.

Commemorative Months : The Library of Congress guide recommended resources for selected national observances and commemorative months.

The Conscious Kid The Conscious Kid is an education, research and policy organization dedicated to reducing bias and promoting positive identity development in youth.

CrazyQuitEdiblog that promotes young adult literature authored by Indigenous people and People of Color (IPOC). 

Notable Books for A Global Society :  Each year, a committee of the CL/R SIG (Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group) of the International Literacy Association selects 25 outstanding trade books for enhancing student understanding of people and cultures throughout the world.

Mirrors Windows and Doors : Mirrors Windows Doors (WMD) is an online magazine whose aim is to draw attention to the riches of children's and YA books from across the world that highlight cultural and multicultural diversity. 

Our Favorite Children's Books Are Super Problematic article discussing biases and cultural imperialism in children's classics

Pirate Tree BlogThe Pirate Tree is a collective of children's and young adult writers interested in children's literature and social justice issues.

Skipping Stones :  Founded in 1988, Skipping Stones is a timely and timeless award-winning resource in multicultural and global education.

See What We See (SWWS)a coalition of writers, scholars, educators, librarians, and activists who believe that books reflect what is valued in society and can therefore shape people’s attitudes and actions towards one another.

We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) : Aims  to help produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people.

We Are the People Kidlit Collective: Supplies a summer list books for young people written or illustrated by Indigenous people or People of Color that is free of bias, microaggressions and stereotypes.