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Global Learning: Resources for Faculty: ISU Library Resources

Selected Databases of Global Interest

ISU Library provides access to many databases with global resources.  A small selection is listed here.  For information on additional databases or assistance in selecting a database for research, contact a librarian.


Alexander Street Press Video Collection

Asian Film Online 

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook 

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

Encyclopedia of African American History

Films on Demand

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Gender Watch

Human Relations Area File (eHRAF): World Cultures

Illustrated London News

Mango Languages

Nexis Uni 


In Our Library

Available electronically, via the library catalog.

Librarian for Criminology and Security Studies; Psychology

Profile Photo
Karen Evans
Library 116

Ask Your Librarian!!

Librarians are liaisons to subjects/disciplines at ISU.  Librarians can assist in developing assignments and providing resources for class assignments and projects.

Click on the link below to find the librarian for your subject/discipline.