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Chemistry: Inorganic Chem

Inorganic Chemistry

"Inorganic chemistry is the study of noncarbon containing substances. However, some small and simple carbon containing compounds, where carbon does not significantly determine the substance's properties may be included. The materials used to construct nearly all the important parts in computers, such as the semiconductors in chips and the monitor screens are important applications of inorganic chemistry."

Inorganic Chemistry in the ISU Library Catalog

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Inorganic Chem References

Inorganic Chemistry Journals

Why don't the links take me directly to the journal title?

  • The ISU Library may receive a journal in multiple formats; print, online or microform. Linking to one record will not show you the locations of the other formats.
  • Many science journals have split into multiple journals as the discipline produced specialities and sub-specialties.
  • In addition, many journals have changed titles over the years. The Catalog Search can find  variant titles, old titles, and multiple formats of a publication and display them as a list.

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Shelley Arvin
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