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Chemistry: D-E

About Physical & Chemical Properties

Physical and chemical properties and spectra for substances may be found in many, many different sources. 

A common property may appear in many sources. An uncommon property may appear in few to none. 

Common properties for common substances may likely be found in many sources. Uncommon properties of more obscure substances may require a search of the primary sources. If the property has never been published at all, a thorough search can provide evidence that this is the case. 

Selected sources for specific properties and spectra are listed on these webpages. But these lists are NOT comprehensive. Many additional sources for properties exist that are not listed below. And the library might own them.

For an in depth discussion of how to find physical and chemical properties, read Currano & Roth (2014, p. 147-) Chapter 6.

QUESTIONS TO ASK (Currano & Roth, 2014, pp. 150.):

  • What are the commonly used units of measurement or is it unitless?
  • What variables change the value of the measurement, e.g., temperature, pressure, or magnetic strength?
  • Are there synonyms, abbreviations, or related properties?
  • Can this property be calculated from another property? (Be sure to also search for this other property.) 

EVALUATE THE DATA (Currano & Roth, 2014, pp. 151.):

  • Is the data reported actually measuring what was intended?
  • Is it measuring what one needs to know?
  • Was it executed in an accurate and precise enough manner for one's needs? 

Is the value experimental or calculated?

Chem & Phys Properties

Absorption Coefficient (ε)
Activation Energies (none)
Activity Coefficients (γ) see Extinction Coefficient
Boiling Point see Physical Constants
Bond Dissociation Energy (De)
Bond Lengths/Bond Angles
Conductance, Electrical
Conductivity, Thermal see Thermal Conductivity
Conversion Factors

Critical Constants
Crystal Structures
see Physical Constants
Dielectric Constant (ε)
Dipole Moment
Dissociation Constant
Electrical Conductivity
Electrode Potentials
Electron Affinity
Enthalpy (H) see Thermodynamic Properties
Enthalpy of Formation see Heat of Formation
Entropy (S) see Thermodynamic Properties
Equilibrium Constant (K)
Extinction Coefficient (ε)
Free Energy (G) see Thermodynamic Properties
Freezing Point see Physical Constants
Fundamental Physical Constants

Gibbs Free Energy (G) see Thermodynamic Properties
Heat Capacity see also Specific Heat
Heat of Combustion
Heat of Dilution
Heat of Dissociation
Heat of Formation
Heat of Fusion
Heat of Ionization
Heat of Mixing
Heat of Polymerization
Heat of Reaction
Heat of Solution
Heat of Sublimation
Heat of Transition
Heat of Vaporization
Henry's Law Constants
Internuclear Distance
Ionization Constant see Equilibrium Constants
Ionization Heat see Heat of Ionization
Ionization Potential
Kinetic Data
Melting Point see Physical Constants
Molar Absorptivity see Extinction Coefficient
Optical Rotation
Partition Coefficients
Physical Constants
(Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Melting Point, Density, Refractive Index, Specific Gravity)
Rate Coefficients see Kinetic Data
Rate Constants see Kinetic Data
Refractive Index see Physical Constants
Specific Gravity see Physical Constants
Specific Heat see also Heat Capacity
Specific Rotation
Stability Constants
see also Equilibrium Constants
Surface Tension (γ,σ)
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Expansion (α)
Thermodynamic Properties (Enthalpy, Entropy, Free Energy, Gibbs Free Energy)
(η) Vapor Pressure
Virial Coefficient

Dielectric Constant

Dipole Moment

Electrical Conductivity (σ)

Horvath, A.L. Reference Literature to Properties of Chemical Compounds,
Inorganic Liquids and Gases
. Journal of Chemical Documentation, v.10 (1),
1970, p59

Electrode Potentials

Electron Affinity

Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constant for the solubility (sometimes called the solubility product constant). Listed under solubility in some sources.

The variable used for the equlibrium constant may vary per source.   Keq = Ksp = Kc = K

Extinction Coefficient

Subject Guide

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Shelley Arvin
Contact me for help. I will work with you to find the way to best help you. Options will consider appropriate agreeable and safe communication and location solutions for you. Email is a good way to contact me.

WED in HHS Building,
Student Lounge A-137 @ 10 AM.
FRI in Science Building,
2nd Floor Lookout from 1-3 PM.
Other appointments as arranged.
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