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Biology: Bio Databases

Biology information

Choosing a Database

Think! The sciences are interdisciplinary.

If your topic is in microbiology or biochemistry, perhaps the chemistry databases will have information for you. If your topic is in environmental science, check the geoscience or earth science databases. If your topic is health related, check the health databases. If you're investigating the life sciences industry, check the business databases, too.

Biology Databases Cheat Sheet

Strategies to Narrow Down Results

If you are finding too many results, there are a variety of strategies to try to narrow down to the best results. A few are listed below.

  • Narrow down to Level 1 or 2 evidence-based practice

  • Narrow down to the newest publications (and, hence, the newest research findings)

  • Narrow down to Major Subjects, if possible in the database. (Possible in some databases, like MEDLINE via EBSCOhost or CINAHL)

  • Narrow down to publications with the search word(s) in the title of the article. Then they *may* be a major topic of the article.

  • Find a review article to give an overview of your topic. The database may allow you to narrow to "Publication Type." Alternatively, review articles are have the word "review" or "overview" in their title.

Recommended Science Databases

Recommended databases are chosen because they may be standards in their field, may be larger, or may contain better quality information on average than the other database choices. This does not guarantee that they are the best choice for YOUR research topic.

Additional Science Databases

These databases were selected because they contain a significant amount of science content. Additional databases such as the general or multidisciplinary databases may contain good science journals, too. It is just that science is not a significant portion of their content.

ProQuest Environmental Science

Subject Guide

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Shelley Arvin
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Student Lounge A-137 @ 10 AM.
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Biology; Chemistry & Physics; Nursing; Applied Health Sciences; Applied Medicine & Rehabilitation; Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport
Cunningham Memorial Library, rm 113
Website Skype Contact: shelley.arvin