Public Services Assessment Outcomes 2019
Approved by the Public Services Dept faculty on May 31, 2019
The Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University has formed a Library Assessment Committee to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a culture of assessment within the library.
Library Assessment Committee Membership
The mission of the ISU Assessment Council is to guide and support ongoing institutional assessment activities that promote and support continuous improvement of programs across the university. The Council is charged with identifying assessment issues, developing policy recommendations, facilitating assessment activities, and promoting the adoption of best practices in assessment.
Academic programs and co-curricular units must submit a report on assessment and student success efforts to the Assessment Coordinator by October 15 each year.
ISU assessment deadlines as of December 14, 2014:
Status of assessment in all programs are reported to the Provost, the Board of Trustees, and the Higher Learning Commission by the Assessment Council.