The library needs to report the success of their library services, activities, and student learning to their stakeholders. If the stakeholders don't know what you do, then why would they appreciate what you do? "Stakeholders" includes the library administration, university administration, faculty, students, and the community.
In addition, the report must be made available for archival purposes. Library employees change. It helps to have a record of what has been done, what worked, what did not work, what decisions were made, what measurement methods are being used and where those methods are being stored.
A Library Assessment Report should include
Maki, P. (2004). Assessing for learning : Building a sustainable commitment across the institution. Sterling, Va: Stylus.
ISU Main Library Stacks - LB2366.2 .M35 2004
Indiana State University would like the ISU Library to create an assessment dashboard to communicate its assessment efforts. No specific deadline was given for the completion of this dashboard.
Examples of "dashboards" or assessment Web sites of other libraries are provided as examples.