Common Performance Assessment Processes (non profits/libraries)
Commonly used performance assessments (to measure efficiency/ effectiveness) |
Commonly used performance assessments |
TQM methodologies (i.e., TQM, TQP, TCM) |
Outcomes-based evaluation |
Output/efficiency measures |
Cost avoidance |
Malcolm Baldridge (educational model) |
Return on Investment (ROI) |
Goals/objectives |
Expert valuation |
Performance-based budgeting |
ServQual/LibQUAL * |
Benchmarking |
Balanced scorecard |
White, L. N. (2008). Library performance and service competition : Developing strategic responses. Oxford: Chandos. (p. 10)
In his book, Professor Larry Nash White of the University of Buffalo discusses the historical development of performance assessment in libraries and highlights the questions still remaining. Importantly, experts still lack consensus regarding the purpose of performance assessment or the measures to be used.
He lists several alternative types of assessment processes. White stated that libraries tend to take their assessment techniques from business and they tend to follow about ten years behind. He said, if you wish to learn what libraries will be doing in ten years, read the current business literature. (Presentation at the Fourteenth Off Campus Conference, 2010)
Academia favors outcomes-based assessment. But this does not mean that other types of assessment techniques would not be convincing to the university and to the library stakeholders. In time, you may wish to explore some other options to see if they would be useful.