Performance criteria are specific measurable statements identifying the performance(s) required to meet the outcome; confirmable through evidence.
Learning outcomes are broad statements that reflect what students will be able to know and do by the time they graduate from Indiana State University. Now you need to create more specific, measurable statements to describe what students will say and do that lets you know that they have achieved the learning outcomes. If your outcome is that "Students will be able to determine the extent of the information needed," then you need to define what that means. What will students say or do to demonstrate they know this?
ISU encourages departments and units to put the performance criteria statements into a rubric.
Use action verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy to write your performance criteria.
Bloom's Taxonomy breaks learning into a hierarchical progression. Students must learn to define a concept before they can describe it. They later learn to distinguish it from other concepts, then use it to justify a decision, and ultimately perhaps use it to create something new or even create a variation of that concept. This learning is progressive as students develop a deeper and deeper understanding of a concept.
Blooms assigns specific verbs to different levels of understanding. The library will need to think about the learning progression of students for different concepts of information literacy. What is a realistic expectation for what students will know by the time they graduate? What is realistic to expect them to grasp in their freshmen year? Their junior year? Should they have the skills of professional librarians by the time they graduate or should they reach an acceptable level of competence? What would that level be?
ISU requires departments and units to put the performance criteria statements of learning outcomes into a rubric. The university wants a rubric for what students should learn by the time they graduate. The librayr may also wish to create rubrics for for more specific activites and assignments, such as what students should learn from library instruction sessions.
Rubrics can take different structures and forms but they all require a specified level of understanding or achievement by the students or trainees of an instructional program or session.
Rubrics should be shared with students and trainees. After all, shouldn't they be told what you expect them to learn?