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Nursing and Allied Health: Alternative/Complementary

Primary target audience is ISU Nursing students, both on-campus and distance learners. Secondary audience includes students in Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation, Applied Health Sciences and anyone interested in researching medical/health topics.


Search for books and items owned by the ISU Library by using the ISU Catalog.
But a Catalog search will NOT find articles. See elsewhere on this webpage for sources for peer-reviewed articles.

Below are just a FEW e-books of the ISU Library on CAM topics.


Search Strategies and Phrases

If you're considering an alternative, complementary, or integrative treatment or substance, you may want to do some research to find out how it works and if it has any proven benefits or harmful effects.

Depending on your substance or therapy, it may be very easy or very difficult to find information about the therapeutic uses of your topic. Some alternative and complementary therapies and treatments have had little research done on them to verify whether they have an effect. You may have to look at a lot of books, Web sites, and articles to find out if they contain information useful to you.

  • Of course, try searching for your exact substance or treatment.
  • But also try searching for the family of the herb or substance.
  • Search for the common name(s) of the plant or substance
  • Search for the scientific name of the plant, organism, or substance.
  • Search for the type of treatment, if applicable, instead of its exact name.
  • Other ideas?

Library of Congress Classification for CAM

Materials on alternative and complementary medicine are located in several areas in the Library of Congress Classification call numbers. A few call number locations that include CAM materials are listed.

GR81               Folk beliefs, superstitions, etc. (General) 
GR99.6-390          By region or country 
GR420-950           By subject
GR700-860      Animals, plants, and minerals
GR880            Medicine. Folk medicine

QK                 Botany

R728-733       Practice of medicine. Medical practice economics.
R733             Alternative Medicine

RA421-790.95 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine

RA427.8         Culture and health

RA448.5         African Americans and alternative medicine
RC271.D52 V37 2001    Cancer fighting foods

RC435-571     Psychiatry
RC475-489     Therapeutics. Psychotherapy
RC490-499     Hypnotism and hypnosis. Suggestion therapy

RC480.5 .H36 2002 Alternative therapies in mental health

RM214-258     Diet therapy. Dietary cookbooks.
RM258.5         Dietary supplements. 
RM259           Vitamin therapy

RM300-666     Drugs and their actions
RM671-671.5   Nonprescription drugs. Patent medicines

RS160-167      Pharmacognosy. Pharmaceutical substances (Plant, animal, and inorganic)

RS164 .V295 2004   Nature's medicine

RX1-681         Homeopathy
RX211-581      Diseases, treatment, etc.
RX601-675     Materia medica and therapeutics

RZ201-999     Other systems of medicine
RZ201-275     Chiropractic
RZ301-397.5   Osteopathy
RZ399            Osteo-magnetics, neuropathy, etc., A-Z
RZ400-408     Mental healing
RZ409.7-999  Miscellaneous systems and treatments Including magnetotherapy, mesmerism, naturopathy, organomic medicine, phrenology, radiesthesia

RZ440 .A364 2000  Spirituality and healing

RZ999 .S325 2002   Feng shui

SB320-353.5   Vegetables
SB 351 .H5 S77 2001    Herbs

Databases and Web Sites

Reputable Websites for CAM Topics

Useful High Quality Databases for CAM Topics

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