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Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport: Articles and Databases

Support for department's programs: nationally recognized programs in Coaching, Dance, Exercise Science, Martial Arts, Nonprofit Leadership, PE-Teacher Education, Recreation Mgmt &Youth Leadership, Recreational Therapy, Sport Mgmt, Strength/Conditioning

Recreation and Sports Periodicals [full-text]

Applied Medicine & Rehabilitation Journals - 2015

RCSM: Periodical TIitles

This list of journal titles evolved from several periodical lists developed by several teachers. Each entry provides the journal title, and includes information about indexing, full-text, print holdings. Especially important are the links to journal websites that include a variety of information including sample issue links, submission guidelines, signing up for new issue email alerts.

Updated February 2015, all full-text links. However, this is always a work in progress and additional updating of other information such as where indexed will continue.

Physiology Journals

RCSM: Legal Materials

Periodicals: musculoskeletal system diseases

Periodicals: Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy Resources: 2017 statistics from accreditation report

RCSM: Major Databases - Ebsco Interface

RCSM: Additional Databases - Multiple Interfaces

All Subjects: Robust Databases

All Subjects: Historical Databases

If you wanted to research the history of the Olympic Games and/or wanted to find older journals, where would you go?