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..SOURCES: US Govt Resources

Explains characteristics of different types of sources of information

General Guides

GPO Access

GPO Access provides full-text electronic access to a number of government documents; by law, the Government Printing Office is the official publisher/printer of federal documents, which are not subject to copyright. Items available through this electronic gateway include: the Budget of the U.S., Congressional Bills, the Constitution of the U.S., Federal Register, Statistical Abstract of the U.S., Congressional Directory, Statutes at Large, Supreme Court Decisions, and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.

Federal Web Sites of Particular Interest to Students

  • Through the section 'Paying for Education', many informative federal government websites are listed and available by way of this portal. The home page (of which this is one link)found at is a great resource--whether for taxes, credit, or planning for major life events.
  • THE electronic information resource for federal Student Load information, which ws created and is maintained by the Department of Education.
  • Also created by the Department of Education, this website has valuable information for those wishing to simplify repayment by consolidating educational loans (and hopefully lower the interest rates). It contains a FAQ section, plus one containing forms and publications.
  • An introductory resource, available through the portal: it introduces users to a wide variety of possible career options and jobs.
  • O'NET OnLine The occupationa information Network, created by the Department of Labor, is on online database of occupationa information. This recource contains data on over 1,000 job characteristics and the needed worker knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • �Occupational Outlook Handbook� is a great resource for the current job outlook and career entry requirements for a huge variety of occupations; also created and regularly updated by the Department of Labor.
  • The �Career Guide to Industries� serves as a companion resource to the above work, and has career information for dozens of different industries, from Construction to Health & Education, plus it has information on the job market in each state.
  • is the official employment site of the U.S. federal government. Produced by the Office of Personnel Management, this is a one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information.
  • is the State of Indiana Personnel Department�s webpage, which serves as a gateway to employment information and listings of available state jobs.
  • Created to be a 'one stop' link to a range of federal information resources which is arranged by broad coategories includeing Home and Community and Transportation (each category aslso has a 'Scam Alert' section). It is listed in this section because students are also consumers--a useful gateway website with information on everything from rental housing to purchasing a used car.

Branches Of Government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)

  • Official website of the U.S. House of Representatives, this contains information on the individual members, bills, voting information, committees, hearings, etc.
  • Official website of the U.S. Senate, this contains information on the individual members, bills, voting information, committees, hearings, etc.
  • Official website of the U.S. Supreme Court, gives access to their judicial decisions, and opinions, oral arguments presented to the Court, case docket, etc.
  • Thomas, created and maintained by the Library of Congress, is the home of federal legislative information on the internet. Legislative calendars, bills, resolutions, committee reports, etc. from both houses of Congress, as well as presidential nominations for Supreme Court justices and treaties are available through this portal, as are some past years of the "Congressional Record" full text (it is their library, after all). It was named for President Jefferson, whose personal library collection helped found the Library of Congress in the early 1800s.
  • Official website of the U.S. President, this contains speeches, policy statements, press briefings, and executive orders of the current chief executive; it also serves as a portal to the various executive offices of the president (example: National Security Council), and to current interest topics ranging from pandemic flu to the Patriot Act (including information on Whitehouse Conferences which have been held on many of these topics). There is also an 'Ask the Whitehouse' interactive feature, and a 'History and Tours' section for people interested in the historic building. This website also serves as a springboard to:
  • Official website of the U.S. Vice President, giving access to his speeches, news releases, etc.

Cabinet-Level Departments/Agencies

Selected Agencies

Statistical Resources

  • The American FactFinder is "Your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data provided by the U.S. Census."
  • Provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under the Department of Labor, this is a great resource for statistics on employment, consumer spending, inflation, etc.
  • CenStats, produced by the U.S. Census Bureau, serves as a portal to many business-related statistical databases, including those concerned with "USA Counties, County Business Patterns, Zip Code Business Patterns, and International Trade Data". In addition this website provides access to an enormous amount of detailed demographic data.
  • Fedstats is the electronic gateway to recent statistics from over 100 U.S. federal agencies.
  • The National Center for Educational Statistics, under the Department of Education, is an excellent resource for all kinds of educational information in statistical format. This is the federal agency which produces the annual "Digest of Educational Statistics".
  • The Statistical Abstract of the U.S. is an authoritative compilation of recent statistics from a wide variety of governmental agencies (the source of which is always listed); this resource also includes some historical statistics.
  • STAT-USA/Internet STAT-USA is a service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, designed for the U.S. business, economic, and trade community, providing authoritative information from both the federal government and other resources (example: University of Michigan's Surveys of Consumers Center). The resource is divided into two areas: State of the Nation plus GLOBUS & NTDB. Available in the ISU Library building only, this is provided through the FDLP depository.
  • This is an official state resource for vital statistics; however, it was created by and is maintained by Indiana University's Business Research Center.

Special Topics And Interagency-Supported Websites

  • Managed by the Small Business Administration this is the official federal resource to help business find compliance, personnel, import , and patent information, plus forms, and contacts from the government - making it useful to businesses of any size!
  • The Civil Rights Division, of the U.S. Department of Justice was founded in 1957 to enforce anti-discrimination laws; the website has searchable sections ranging from Housing to Disability Rights, plus it gives electronic access to selected court decisions and legal briefs filed by the division, speeches statements, and testimony, and "significant guidance documents".
  • The "Code of Federal Regulations" is the annually updated and searchable codification of all the regulations published daily in the "Federal Register" by government departments and agencies.
  • Developed and maintained by NTIS (National Technical Information Service), this is the electronic index to many U.S. Government technical and scientific resources on the web; it also serves as a portal to information on government job openings and is updated daily.
  • The U.S. government's official hub for electronic forms from EVERY federal agency and department.
  • Healthfinder is a gateway website of health information which is intented for laypeople; it is produced and updated by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, which is under the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • The website of the Library of Congress is a portal to everything from digitized collections of photographs, to the massive 'American Memory' Project-as well as to copyright information. Legally, a copy of every new book published in the U.S. goes to this national library.
  • The one hundred milestone documents of U.S. history are available electronically here.
  • This electronic index is a gateway to over 50 million pages of authoritative science information provided by federal agencies, including research and development results.
  • Website of the federal government's Technology Administration, which is under the Department of Commerce.

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