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ATTR 413 Biomedical Ethics: Biomedical Research: Evaluating Sources

Support for ATTR 413 course [usually online course]

Evaluation of Health Science Information

For more detailed information about evaluating sources go to the following Guide.

Evaluation of Health Science Information Checklist

Information is made available in many ways, in many forms, and for many reasons. You need to evaluate each source you examine.

  • Accuracy
    • Is the presented information accurate or true?
    • Do the facts match those of other sources? Are there discrepancies?
    • Is the information reliable and error-free?
    • Is the information peer reviewed? Is there an editor(s) or reviewers or someone who verifies/fact-checks the information?
    • Did the reviewers have a bias or conflict of interest?
  • Authority, Responsibility (Experts, Expertise)
    • Who is the author(s)? Who created or wrote the content? Who is responsible for the content?
    • What information can you find about the authors or the authoring organization?
    • What are the author's credentials?
    • What is the author's expertise?
    • Is the author affiliated with an institution or organization with appropriate expertise?
    • Does the author or the institution or organization have a bias or conflict of interest?
  • Scope (Relevancy to your project)
    • What topics are covered?
    • What does this source offer that is not found elsewhere?
    • What is its value?
    • Is the material broad and general? Focused and in depth?
    • Who is the intended audience?
  • Objectivity (Purpose, Bias)
    • What is the purpose of the information? What are the authors trying to do or achieve with the presentation of this information?
    • Is the position clearly stated?
    • Is the information presented with a bias?
    • Is the content designed to sway opinion?
    • Is there any advertising included with the information? Does it relate to the information provided?
    • Is there a potential conflict of interest of the author(s)?
  • Timeliness (Currency)
    • Does the content include the most current knowledge of the subject?
    • Does the content get updated periodically? How often? When was the last update?
    • Is the knowledge current to the present day? Are more recent ideas, theories, or research available?
  • References (Where did the information come from)
    • Are references or indications of the original source provided for verification?
    • Does the source point you to other sources for additional information?
    • How current are the references and further sources?
    • Are they accessible?
    • Are they credible according to the criteria stated above?