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CML Diversity Equity & Inclusion Planning

Working Framework

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Definitions

Diversity is recognizing the variety of perspectives and ways of being that include but are not limited to

race, ethnicity, ability, disability, thought, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, and

socioeconomic status. The CML defines diversity in line with the Indiana State AA Policy.

Equity is recognizing and removing the underlying practices and policies that obstruct members of the

community from succeeding

Inclusion is creating an environment of equal access, belonging, respect, opportunity, and


Why CML should adopt this plan 

· To align with the newly adopted and revised Indiana State University Mission.

· To align with our professional values as set forth by ALA.

· To address recognized inequities in libraries and strive toward justice and equity for all.

· To align with the Library’s own mission to support “lifelong learning and good citizenship.”

· To proactively and successfully meet the educational and informational needs of our

community .

Our Land Acknowledgement

We also acknowledge that this bountiful land that we now occupy is the unceded ancestral land of the

Wea People. The Wea People are still here. We work to continually honor this land and their heritage.


Cunningham Memorial Library acknowledges that historical and divisive biases shape the world. To

overcome these biases, it is the role of every individual, professionally and personally, to create a more

equitable, diverse, and inclusive society. Therefore, the faculty and staff of Cunningham Memorial

Library will hold one another accountable to lead by example in providing an equitable experience for

the entire community, and by creating an environment grounded in justice, open inquiry, dialogue,

respect, and inclusion.

We practice this by:

● Committing to lean into our discomfort, to approach those in our community and our work with

honesty, empathy, and trust that our colleagues are doing the same.

● Working toward more equitable access to online resources for the entire ISU community.

● Telling the stories and preserving the history of the entire ISU community

● Developing, sustaining, and preserving diverse and inclusive collections by embracing

marginalized voices in their advancement.

● Establishing a physical and virtual inclusive library space that supports engagement with existing

knowledge and with the creation of new knowledge.


Focus Areas Goals & Delegation of Responsibilities

– where to begin and where we want to end up (short term and long term goals)

– not just who will get the job done, but how action on this plan will look at every level of the library

Focus Area 1: Commit to leaning into our discomfort, to approach those in our community and our work

with honesty, empathy, and trust our colleagues are doing the same.

Immediate, Actionable Goals

Goal 1: Provide DEI education and professional development opportunities with measurable results for

library faculty & staff on a regular basis, perhaps one per month or semester.

(Office of the Dean and Assoc. Dean)

● Measure 1: consult with groups in librarianship to provide library specific trainings/ resources in


● Measure 2: work with DEI at ISU to provide 2-4 sessions of DEI education in FY 21 (or

professional development in specific areas)

Goal 2: Invite DEI groups/representatives from inside the library and across campus to meet with

Library Management Team to open a dialogue on a regular basis, perhaps one per month or semester

(Office of the Dean and Assoc. Dean)

Long Term, Strategic Goals

Goal 3: Align any future recruitment with goals/ guidance put forth by the Office of Inclusive Excellence

across librarians, staff, and student workers. (Office of the Dean and Assoc. Dean)

● Measure 1: Require DEI training for search committees coordinated through the Office of

Inclusive Excellence

● Measure 2: Advertise positions in publications/sites with diverse audiences

Goal 4: Provide material support for internship or practicum experience for library students that come

from underrepresented groups in the profession (not just race/ ethnicity but also sexual identity or

(dis)ability) (Office of the Dean and Assoc. Dean)

● Measure 1: Consult with accredited library schools/programs/professional groups to formulate

internship/practicum experiences

● Measure 2: Create appropriate internship/practicum experiences within library departments

● Measure 3: Establish stipends through foundation accounts (Dean’s Innovation Fund, etc.)

● Measure 4: Recruit underrepresented groups for internship/practicum experiences through

library/schools/programs/professional groups

Goal 5: Work toward developing retention strategies for underrepresented groups across librarians,

staff, and student workers. (Office of the Dean and Assoc. Dean)

● Measure 1: Coordinate and evaluate retention strategies with the Office of Inclusive Excellence

● Measure 2: Track and report retention for underrepresented groups (see Goal 5) in library’s

annual report.

Goal 6: Be responsive to the diverse needs of our users by incorporating diverse, equitable and inclusive

practices in our day-to-day job responsibilities. (R&I)

● Measure 1: work with Dr. Johnson to align diversity, equity and inclusion with library policies

and practices

● Measure 2: work with Dr. Johnson to learn culturally relevant pedagogy

Focus Area 2: Work toward more equitable access to online resources for the entire ISU community

Immediate, Actionable Goals

Goal 1: Provide a portfolio of eResources that are fully accessible for all users. (eResources)

● Measure 1: Create a checklist to assess eResource holdings for accessibility standards

● Measure 2: Draft language to include when possible in new contracts that addresses

accessibility needs

Long Term, Strategic Goals

Goal 2: Work toward greater discoverability of open access sources of quality information (eResources)

● Measure 1: identify OA resources that can be indexed in our eresources management systems.

● Measure 2: assess current listings in the databases list for OA representation and linking.

Focus Area 3: Telling the stories and preserving the history of the entire ISU community

Immediate, Actionable Goals

Goal 1: Create a resource list from our collections and an accompanying dedicated rotating display of

diversity resources from our collections – digital format too. (Special Coll)

● Measure 1: Create 1 new physical and digital display with an accompanying resource list per

fiscal year

Long Term, Strategic Goals

Goal 2: Alter inventory/ collection description policies to highlight/ make less hidden diversity resources

to ensure greater access and discoverability. (Special Coll)

● Measure 1: Examine and make more discoverable- 1-2 collections per fiscal year.

Goal 3: Continue to add to the collection resources of diverse cultures/ experiences within our collection

including seeking out collections from current organizations, or potential donors. Make alternative

ownership/ access readily available. (Special Coll)

● Measure 1: Establish a 3 year review of procedures and collection development with

organizations around campus (such as the African American Culture Center, La Casita,

International Student Resource Center, etc.) to get feedback on how to improve the collection.

● Measure 2: Reach out to 1 diverse individual/creator within each academic year to acquire at

least 1 diverse work within Special Collections.

Focus Area 4: Affirm our commitment to developing, sustaining, and preserving diverse and inclusive collections.

Immediate, Actionable Goals

Goal 1: Establish a specific fund to support the acquisition of DEI information resources (Office of the

Dean and Assoc. Dean)

● Measure 1: Establish DEI materials fund (FY 20/21)

● Measure 2: Maintain bibliography of items purchased

● Measure 3: Provide access to bibliography through Library’s website and the Library’s annual


Long Term, Strategic Goals

Goal 2: Work toward creating and sustaining an inclusive collection through DEI collection building

across all subject areas. ( Berthoud & Finn article ) (cross library goal)

● Measure 1: assess collection development methodology to more easily acquire materials

intended to include diverse perspectives.

Goal 3: Work to eliminate bias in the description and location of resources while recognizing that these

actions cannot be completely neutral. (Tech Serv.)

● Measure 2: evaluate keyword terms utilized by library patrons searching the discovery layer to

inform materials description.

● Measure 3: review cataloging record descriptive terms for inclusiveness and make required


Focus Area 5: Establish a physical and virtual inclusive library space that supports engagement with existing knowledge and with the creation of new knowledge.

Immediate, Actionable Goals

Goal 1: Create a more welcoming and inclusive virtual library space by ensuring that the library site is

updated to reflect the latest web accessibility design standards. (Systems)

● Measure 1: assess current state of web accessibility of the library webpages.

● Measure 2: bring library pages up to latest WCAG 2.1 standards.

Goal 2: Review physical and digital space and Reading Room procedures to ensure it recognizes the

diversity on the campus and within the collections and is welcoming and accessible to all. (special Coll)

● Measure 1: Review and alter physical space within the first half of the fiscal year

● Measure 2: review and adjust online presence to exemplify diversity within collections and to

meet MWAG standards within the next fiscal year.

Goal 3: Perform an accessibility audit in the physical library building. (Office of the Dean and Assoc.


● Measure 1: work with campus partners to identify best practice in auditing.

Long Term, Strategic Goals

Goal 4 : Create a more welcoming and inclusive virtual library space by including content that elevates

diverse voices and experiences. (Systems)

● Measure 1: FY21 provides a list of content highlighted at the end of the fiscal year to the DEI


● Measure 2: put out annual “call” for resources to library units & outside the library for highlights

at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Goal 5: Eliminate deficit-based thinking by valuing and leveraging differences. Develop and implement

programs that prioritize learner’s needs and abilities. This means meeting scholars where they work and

learn, both physically and intellectually. (R&I)

● Measure 1: work with campus units to develop a broad understanding of our learners

● Measure 2: identify learner-based strategies to use during virtual and in person instruction

Cunningham Memorial Library DEI Committee Accountability - How will we measure successful


Cunningham Memorial Library Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Library Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee works in conjunction with the office of the

Dean to provide leadership in the area of equity and inclusion by devising overarching strategies, making

recommendations, measuring their impact, and raising the visibility of the Library's DEI efforts to the

greater ISU community.

Committee Charge

The committee,

● Identifies and develops diversity, equity, and inclusion activities across the library including

policies, workforce, practices, programming, and services.

● Educates and supports Library faculty, staff, and student workers in understanding that DEI work

is everyone’s responsibility in creating a welcoming and supportive community.

● Provides leadership in inclusive and equitable programming, services, and spaces by identifying

and implementing DEI practices and policies that can inform work/ goal setting across the


● Cultivates a culture of accountability by measuring the impact of the library’s short term and

long term DEI goals in the Library’s DEI Framework in an annual report to the Dean and library

at large.

● Identifies ways to create an inclusive and equitable work environment in which all library

faculty, staff, and student workers are able to develop to their full potential.

● Collaborates with organizations and individuals from the university and local community to

further DEI-related goals.

● Works to maintain alignment with the university’s strategic plan.

Committee Membership Appointed membership of when possible, one faculty member and one staff

member from each department. At minimum at least one faculty or staff member from each

department with two year staggered terms. The Dean of Library Services serves as an ex officio


Committee meetings, type, and Periodic Review The DEI committee is a standing committee that is

expected to meet at minimum once a month to discuss progress of current DEI goals and introduction of

new focus areas and activities in DEI. The committee’s charge and member make up shall be reviewed

periodically to align work with needs of the Cunningham Memorial Library and Indiana State University


Current Membership 2020/21 Rhonda Beecroft; Natalie Bulick; Edith Campbell; Robin Crumrin; Melissa

Gustafson; Alisha Moorhead; Aimee Nelson; Katie Sutrina-Haney; Andrew Swearingen

Resources/ Guidance

Building A Diversity Plan - ALA

AACU Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Association of College & Research Libraries: Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency for Academic


Association of Research Libraries: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement

Society of American Archivists: Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

NASIG Statement Against Racism 6.8.20

Racial Equity Tools Glossary

Temple University Libraries Statement on Potentially Harmful Language in Archival Description and


MIT Libraries Statement on Diversity | UNC Chapel Hill Libraries | University of California Irvine | Iowa State University Library | University of Oregon | IUPUI

Disability Statement: U of Mich UAF

Heidy Berthoud & Rachel Finn (2019) Bringing Social Justice behind the Scenes: Transforming the Work

of Technical Services, The Serials Librarian, 76:1-4, 162-169, DOI: 10.1080/0361526X.2019.1583526

Dracine Hodges (2018) Pursuing Diversity and Inclusion in Technical Services, Serials Review, 44:3,

170-175, DOI: 10.1080/00987913.2018.1549888

Cataloging Code of Ethics (DRAFT)


AACU five principles for “creating equity by design”:

● Clarity in language, goals, and measures.

● Equity-mindedness as the guiding paradigm for language and action.

● Practices and policies to accommodate differences in students’ and employees’ learning.

● Continual process of learning, disaggregating data, and questioning assumptions about

relevance and effectiveness.

● Pervasive, institution-wide/organization-wide enactment .

Texas A&M for accountability standards

-specific measures are noted under each goal section.


ISU staff council Statement:

A statement from the Indiana State University Staff Council in regard to Social Injustice:


Staff Council stands against racism and hate speech. We are in an unprecedented time where the ills

of our nation are entering the forefront of conversation around the world. We see nations upon

nations joining to fight against racism. We cannot ignore the true problem of racism that exists in our

country. We cannot stay silent. We show our support for the Black and Brown lives and the fight for

social justice and equity.

The recent events leading to the tragic death of George Floyd and so many others are heartbreaking

and enraging. Equally heartbreaking and enraging is this nation’s long struggle to overcome social

injustices, particularly systemic racism which has inflicted violence and harm towards Black and Brown

communities for centuries. There have been more events of racial injustice in our lifetime than we can

count, and yet we still struggle to move the needle, to truly change our culture of violence, oppression,

racism, and inequality. Indiana State University has a long history of diversity, but we must not be

content by simply being a diverse campus. We need understanding, empathy, acceptance, and active

inclusion. These virtues tend to grow as education takes root and as we pursue systemic change. We

have shared resources on social justice to increase access toward anti-racism education. We

encourage ISU employees, individually and collectively, to review these resources and engage in

deeper learning:


Another critical step toward changing culture, especially as the staff of ISU, is to acknowledge being

part of a larger system of oppression as well as missteps such as keeping silent, being overly defensive,

or over generalizing. We must acknowledge the harm that our Black and Brown coworkers have

endured, recognize and address our own complicity in issues of racism, embrace lifelong learning

about systemic racism and anti-racism, and work to dismantle systems of oppression. Only with

knowledge will we be able to work together to make the changes necessary, not only on this campus

but in the state of Indiana and beyond.


We recognize words and statements like this can feel empty; it is through sustained action that

change occurs. This statement is merely the start of the conversation. ISU Staff Council commits to

engaging in ongoing substantive education and change in this time of protest and beyond. We want

to hear from our constituents about opportunities for change, and we want to diligently center the

needs and requests supporting our Black and Brown colleagues. Please take time to provide feedback



We ask that you provide feedback by July 10, 2020 as the content will be reviewed by the Executive

Committee and delivered to the full Staff Council during our retreat on July 23, 2020. Representatives

will utilize feedback to address concerns and incorporate ideas for change into goals/charges for the

2020-2021 academic year and beyond and will dedicate time reviewing the policies, procedures, and

culture of Staff Council to better our efforts for inclusion. Staff Council will continue to do our research,

maintain accountability, and do our best to support and advocate for our staff community.

In order for Staff Council to address the issues and needs of our Black and Brown staff, we look for you

to help us. We need your involvement in the council. We need you at the table. The Staff Council will

offer its assistance in developing social justice strategies within our ranks. We see you. We hear you.

You are not alone. We are dedicated to the work within ourselves and as Staff Council because we

know Black Lives Matter.