Goal 5: Eliminate deficit-based thinking by valuing and leveraging differences. Develop and implement
programs that prioritize learner’s needs and abilities. This means meeting scholars where they work and
learn, both physically and intellectually. (R&I)
● Measure 1: work with campus units to develop a broad understanding of our learners
● Measure 2: identify learner-based strategies to use during virtual and in person instruction
The Problem with Grit: Dismantling Deficit Thinking In Library Instruction
Teaching with Intent: Applying Culurally Responsive Teaching to Library Instruction
Goal 6: Be responsive to the diverse needs of our users by incorporating diverse, equitable and inclusive practices in our day-to-day job responsibilities. (R&I)
● Measure 1: work with Dr. Johnson to align diversity, equity and inclusion with library policies
and practices
● Measure 2: work with Dr. Johnson to learn culturally relevant pedagogy
Culturally Centered Education: A Primer EdReports commissioned Education First (EF) to identify and define the key terms being used to describe culturally centered theories and models of instruction (CCTM), a catch-all term Education First is using to describe a wide set of culturally centered philosophies. EdReports aims to better understand the current state of the discussion around CCTM, needs of the field, and implications for instructional materials.