If you meet with a consultant at the ISU Writing Center, the consultant will work with you to solve any writing problems or concerns. Bring your assignment, and any relevant materials to the meeting.
It is important to cite the sources you use for assignments. If you do not correctly cite your sources; your work may be considered plagiarized. Plagiarism is using someone's research and/or publication and not giving credit via a citation. Universities and colleges can have severe penalties for students who plagiarize. Consult your GA, TA, a librarian or the ISU Writing Center for assistance with citations.
APA is considered the citation tool for social sciences. Be sure to check assignment requirements for the citation tool you should use.
Use the TABS at the top of the site to click on information about a particular topic. Selected resources are shown on this library guide; additional resources may be available in the library and on the web. Remember, the guide was created as a tool to assist in your research; you are responsible for locating additional resources on your topic. If you would like to meet with the School of Criminology and Security Studies Librarian, e-mail her (look to the right).
Databases provide many resources, including scholarly articles.
To access the databases, click on the link below.
When searching the databases, think about your topic. Is the topic related to criminal justice--then use the criminal justice databases.
Is your topic related to criminal justice and psychology? Search both criminal justice and psychology databases.
Think about your topic and the different databases you should consider using to locate information.
Anyone can place information on the web. When you use a source from the web, you need to evaluate the information to make sure it is valid. Check out the links below for information on how to evaluate web resources.
Use InterLibrary Loan (ILL) to obtain materials ISU does not own. ILL is a free service and can be used to request materials for academic work. You must be affiliated with ISU to use the service. If you need to use ILL, PLAN AHEAD. It takes time to locate and obtain the materials from other libraries. ILL is available to online and distance students, check the ILL website for more information.