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Legal Research: Legal Journals and Law Reviews

Research techniques and Library and Internet resources based on an undergraduate legal research course (at ISU: Political Science 211)

Online Law Reviews

Both Westlaw and Nexis-Uni cover legal publications. Many will summarize topic areas and all will include links to specific cases. So many of these are like literature reviews, and are helpful if you are studying a new area of law.

Other general databases also cover some law journals & reviews. You can search by Subject under Electronic Resources to see lists.



ABA Journal

1984 - 2016

          American Bar Association Journal

1915 - 1983

ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law

2009 - 2016

          The Labor Lawyer

1985 - 2009

Administrative Law Review

1960 - 2016

          Administrative Law Bulletin

1949 - 1960

American Indian Law Review

1973 - 2018

The American Journal of Comparative Law

1952 - 2016

The American Journal of International Law

1907 - 2016

The American Journal of Legal History

1957 - 2014

American Law and Economics Review

1999 - 2014

Antitrust Law Journal

1966 - 2016

          Section of Antitrust Law

1952 - 1966

Arab Law Quarterly

1985 - 2016

Australian Indigenous Law Review

2007 - 2015

          Australian Indigenous Law Reporter

1996 - 2006

Bar-Ilan Law Studies / מחקרי משפט

1980 - 2018

Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law

1993 - 2016

          Industrial Relations Law Journal

1976 - 1991

Berkeley Technology Law Journal

1996 - 2016

          High Technology Law Journal

1986 - 1995

Business Law Today

1992 - 2016

          The Business Lawyer Update

1985 - 1992

          Business Law Memo

1980 - 1985

The Business Lawyer

1946 - 2016

California Law Review

1912 - 2016

The Cambridge Law Journal

1921 - 2014

Carbon & Climate Law Review

2007 - 2017

Columbia Law Review

1901 - 2020

The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

1968 - 2016

Crime and Justice

1979 - 2015

Criminal Science Monographs

1915 - 1923

Digest of United States Practice in International Law


Duke Law Journal

1957 - 2014

          Duke Bar Journal

1951 - 1957

Ecology Law Quarterly

1971 - 2016

Environmental Law

1970 - 2019

European Food and Feed Law Review

2006 - 2017

European Journal of Risk Regulation

2010 - 2015

European State Aid Law Quarterly

2002 - 2017

Family Advocate

1978 - 2016

          The Family Law Newsletter

1969 - 1978

          The Family Lawyer

1960 - 1969

Family Law Quarterly

1967 - 2016

          Proceedings of the Section: Officers, Committees, Roster of Members (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law)

1964 - 1965

          Summary of Proceedings: Officers, Committees (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law)

1959 - 1963

Federal Sentencing Reporter

1988 - 2016

Fordham Environmental Law Review

2004 - 2018

          Fordham Environmental Law Journal

1993 - 2003

          Fordham Environmental Law Report

1989 - 1993

Franchise Law Journal

1984 - 2016

          Journal of the Forum Committee on Franchising

1981 - 1984

          Newsletter of the Forum Committee on Franchising

1980 - 1981


2000 - 2016

          GP, Solo & Small Firm Lawyer

1998 - 1999

          Technology and Practice Guide

1997 - 1998

          Best of ABA Sections: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section and previous titles back to 1963

1997 - 1998

Harvard Law Review

1887 - 2016

Human Rights

1970 - 2016

          Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Newsletter

1969 - 1978

          Edited Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities)

1967 - 1969

Human Rights Quarterly

1981 - 2014

          Universal Human Rights

1979 - 1980

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

1993 - 2019

The International and Comparative Law Quarterly

and previous titles back to 1896

1952 - 2014

International Journal on Minority and Group Rights

1996 - 2016

          International Journal on Group Rights

1993 - 1995

The International Lawyer

And previous titles back to 1942

1966 - 2016

International Legal Materials

1962 - 2016

Islamic Law and Society

1994 - 2016

Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics

1993 - 2014

Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law

1994 - 2016

          ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law

1991 - 1994

Journal of African Law

1957 - 2014

Journal of Civil and Human Rights

2015 - 2019

Journal of Conflict & Security Law

2000 - 2014

          Journal of Armed Conflict Law

1996 - 1999

          International Law and Armed Conflict Commentary

1994 - 1995

The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-)

And previous titles back to 1910

1973 - 2016

Journal of Environmental Law

1989 - 2014

Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law

1985 - 2017

Journal of Law and Courts

2013 - 2015

Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare

2012 - 2019

The Journal of Law & Economics

1958 - 2015

Journal of Law and Religion

1983 - 2014

Journal of Law and Society

1982 - 2014

          British Journal of Law and Society

1974 - 1981

Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization

1985 - 2014

Journal of Legal Education

1948 - 2017

The Journal of Legal Studies

1972 - 2015

The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies

2014 - 2019

Journal of the Indian Law Institute

1958 - 2016


1978 - 2016

          Jurimetrics Journal

1966 - 1978

          MULL: Modern Uses of Logic in Law

1959 - 1966

The Justice System Journal

1974 - 2012

Law and Contemporary Problems

1933 - 2014

Law and History Review

1983 - 2016

Law and Human Behavior

1977 - 2013

Law and Literature

2002 - 2013

          Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature

1989 - 2001

Law and Philosophy

1982 - 2016

Law & Social Inquiry

1988 - 2014

          American Bar Foundation Research Journal

1976 - 1987

Law & Society Review

1966 - 2016


1975 - 2016

McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy / Revue internationale de droit et politique du développement durable de McGill

2005 - 2014

Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter

1984 - 2011

          Mental Disability Law Reporter

1976 - 1983

Michigan Law Review

1902 - 2016

The Modern Law Review

1937 - 2014

National Law School of India Review

2008 - 2018

          Student Bar Review

2002 - 2007

Natural Resources & Environment

1985 - 2016

          Natural Resources Lawyer

1968 - 1985

          Committee Reports Presented at the Annual Meeting (American Bar Association. Section of Mineral and Natural Resources Law)

1963 - 1967

Natural Resources Journal

1961 - 2019

New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal

2007 - 2016

          Buffalo Criminal Law Review

1997 - 2006


1977 - 2017

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

1981 - 2014

Political and Legal Anthropology Review

1993 - 2012



          APLA Newsletter

1987 - 1992

          Newsletter (Association for Political and Legal Anthropology)

1977 - 1986

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law)

1974 - 2016

          Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969)

1921 - 1969

          Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council

1918 - 1920

          Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907-1917)

1907 - 1917

Public Contract Law Journal

1967 - 2016

Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal

2008 - 2016

          Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal

1966 - 2008

          Probate and Trust Legislation


          Newsletter of the Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law

1961 - 1966

Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review

2010 - 2018

Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law / שנתון המשפט העברי של המכון לחקר המשפט העברי

1974 - 2014

Singapore Journal of Legal Studies

1991 - 2017

          Malaya Law Review

1962 - 1990

          University of Malaya Law Review

1959 - 1961

Socialist Lawyer

1986 - 2019

          Haldane Bulletin

1980 - 1983

          Bulletin (Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers)

1971 - 1980

Soziales Recht

2011 - 2017

Der Staat

1962 - 2016

Stanford Law Review

1948 - 2014

          Stanford Intramural Law Review


The State and Local Tax Lawyer. Symposium Edition

2006 - 2009

          The State and Local Tax Lawyer

1996 - 2006

State Crime Journal

2012 - 2019

Supreme Court Economic Review

1982 - 2015

The Supreme Court Review

1960 - 2015

The Tax Lawyer

1967 - 2016

          The State and Local Tax Lawyer

1996 - 2006

          Bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association

1962 - 1967

          Bulletin (American Bar Association. Section of Taxation)

1947 - 1962

Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal

2002 - 2016

          Tort & Insurance Law Journal

1985 - 2002

          The Forum (American Bar Association. Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law)

1965 - 1985

                              News-O-Gram (American Bar Association. Section of Insurance, Negligence, and Compensation Law)

1959 - 1965

Tulane Environmental Law Journal

1988 - 2018

The University of Chicago Law Review

1933 - 2020

The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review

1984 - 2017

          Lawyer of the Americas

1969 - 1984

University of Pennsylvania Law Review

1945 - 2016

          University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register

1908 - 1944

          The American Law Register (1898-1907)

1898 - 1907

          The American Law Register and Review

1892 - 1897

          The American Law Register (1852-1891)

1852 - 1891

The University of Toronto Law Journal

1935 - 2016

The Urban Lawyer

1969 - 2016

Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America

1968 - 2016

Vermont Journal of Environmental Law

1999 - 2018

Virginia Environmental Law Journal

1989 - 2018

          Virginia Journal of Natural Resources Law

1980 - 1988

Virginia Law Review

1913 - 2018

          The Virginia Law Register

1895 - 1928

Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution

1997 - 2018

          Willamette Bulletin of International Law and Policy

1993 - 1996

The Yale Law Journal

1891 - 2016

Yale Law & Policy Review

1982 - 2016

Marsha Miller

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Marsha Miller

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