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Music 150/250: Introduction to Music Traditions & Music: Medieval thru 17th Century: Searching for Full Scores

An introductory guide developed in support of Music 150 and Mus 250 courses prior to 2018. For a more advanced Music Research guide, please visit:

Anna Harriet Heyer

   Historical Sets, Collected Editions, and Monuments of Music: A Guide to their Contents  by Anna Harriet Heyer is one of the essential reference tools in the field of Western classical music. The original edition of the work was published in 1957 and there have updated editions in 1969 and 1980.  During this time it expanded from 485 to 1105 pages.

   The Cunningham Memorial Library has purchased hundreds of sets of collected editions and monuments of music. A collected edition can be either the complete collected works of a single composer, or a series of works by various composers grouped according to a historical time period, a musical style, or a geographic area. These sets are based on the best scholarship known at the time and include the most accurate editions of the scores. Sets of complete works by a composer should include every work that the composer has written no matter how obscure.At Cunningham Library, complete works of composers are shelved using the M3 call letters. These materials should all be marked as Non-Circulating and are for library use only. While these sets can be searched online using our Fusion and Fusion Plus catalog searches, the information available is limited.  

   A search of the online catalog does not usually retrieve the contents of the individual volumes of these large sets. Heyer's book is important because it details the contents of these sets. Furthermore, every set has idiosyncracies in they way that it is organized. Additionally, several sets may be difficult to use because they are in foreign languages that may not be familiar to every musician. The overview provided in Heyer can save alot of time in locating a work.

Collected Editions, Hisotrical Series & Sets, and Monuments of Music

George R. Hill and Norris L. Stephens have completed a work entitled Historical Sets, Collected Editions, and Monuments of Music: A Bibliography. In many respects this work is an update of Heyer's 1980 edition. However, Hill and Stephens' work does not replace the Heyer in one important way - it provides only a bibliographic citation for the collected works of single composers and does not show the contents of each volume.

Heyer Tips

Historical Sets, Collected Editions and Monuments of Music is often refered to as "The Harriet Heyer" or simply the "Heyer".  The 1980 edition is the only Music material located in the Library's Reference Collection. It's accesible via the Library Reference Desk (The "Ask" desk). There are 3 editions of the Heyer: 1957, 1969 and 1980 and all three are located under the Call Number: ML 113. H52    

Historical Sets, Collected Editions, and Monuments of Music aims to present a list of all of the complete editions of the music of individual composers and the major collections of music that have been published or as of 1980, were in the process of publication.  This includes collections, anthologies, or monumental sets of music considered by the author (Anna Harriet Heyer) to have historical value, musical worth, reliable editing, or signifigance to music research.  While other books have been produced since 1980, none are as comprehensive as the Harriet Heyer.  The 1980 edition continues to be the heaviest used book in Music Libraries worldwide.  Please take care when using the Heyer.  It is heavily used and in poor condition. Ask a reference librarian to assist you in looking up information to ensure that it's continued availability.

Library Catalogs are limited tools. When conducting music research, individual works by composers are often difficult to locate via the Library Catalog and in the case of Collected Editions, near impossible.  To combat this,  Music librarians at Indiana State have kept notes in the 1980 edition of this work.  Call Numbers have been penciled in to aid researchers locate volumes and each title owned with editions is checked.  

Searching the Heyer

Here is an
example of a
page from the
Harriet Heyer:

Note how the
work is organized;
there are multiple
levels of

  • Composers each have a listing.
  • followed by Collected Edition/Set.
  • followed by the Volumes within each set.
  • followed by Pieces within each volume.