Wednesday, October 26
11:00 am -1:00 pm: Stop and Learn: Silence Hides Violence/End Rape Culture in the Commons
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Tie dying, button making and ribbon making in Normal Hall.
Wednesday, November 2
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Panel discussion over “Gender-Based Violence through the Lens of Intersectionality,” in the Normal Hall Rotunda. We will swipe students in and out.
Wednesday November 9
6:00-7:00pm Take Back the Night 2022 rally and march, followed by resource fair. Starts in Normal Hall. We will swipe students in and out and students who stay to the end will have a chance to get a free t-shirt or bandana! Hot chocolate and cookies.
2021 Flyer
2020 theme: "Our Voices, Our Stories, Our Power"
Date: November 18, 2020 from 5pm - 9pm, Dede I, II, and III
Program begins at 6pm
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Moore {CODA}
For information: Katherine Fredlund (teaching GNDR 450)
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Site went public November 30, 2011. Creator/Admin: Marsha Miller, Reference/Librarian; Collaborators: Linda Maule; Aimee Janssen-Robinson. Contact for comments, suggestions: marsha.miller@indstate.edu
What should I do if I am sexually assaulted?
Male Survivors
While society tends to focus on female survivors, men are also victims of sexual assault. In fact, 1 in 6 men are survivors of sexual assault.¹ Sexual assault is devastating to all victims, regardless of gender.
As a man, there are special issues that may be different for you. For example, you may be reluctant to be examined by a medical professional or you may hesitate to report the assault to law enforcement officials for fear of ridicule or fear that they won't believe you. The same feelings apply to telling other people you know and to finding appropriate resources and support. In addition, you may be feeling some doubt about your masculinity or sexuality. Remember, sexual assault is a crime of violence and power, not sex. You have done nothing to justify this attack.
It is important for you to know that you are not alone. There are several forms of help available to you, both on-campus and in the community. This is true even if you experienced the assault when you were very young and only now are realizing that you need help. For on-campus resources, please contact the Student Counseling Center or a member of the Sexual Violence Response Team (SVRT).
The following online resources may also be helpful:
LGBTQ Survivors
Sexual assault is devastating to all victims, regardless of gender, gender identification or sexual orientation. In addition to the fears and concerns that any survivor of sexual assault may have, you may have some that are specifically related to being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or questioning. These concerns may not only be about what occurred during the assault, but how you will be treated by the health care and justice systems, your friends, family, and if you are in a relationship, your partner.
Some issues you may be dealing with include:
It may be helpful to know that you will not be required to disclose your sexual orientation to anyone, unless you choose to do so. Regardless of how you feel about your sexuality - still questioning, closeted, or totally "out" - you are entitled to the same sensitive treatment heterosexual survivors should receive.
If you suspect or know that the assailant knew you were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning, you may want to report the assailant to the Hate Crime National Hotline 206-350-HATE (4283).
Above all, it is important to remember that the assault is not your fault. This may be hard to acknowledge if you are coming to terms with your sexuality or gender identification, or if the assailant indicated that he/she knew of your orientation. Remember, you have the right to services that are non-judgmental and to surround yourself with those who can emotionally support you through the healing process. There are on-campus resources that can help. Call the Student Counseling Center (812-237-3939) or contact a member of the Sexual Violence Response Team (SVRT).
These online resources may also be helpful:
http://www.pandys.org/lgbtsurvivors.html (for LGBTQ survivors)
http://www.survivorproject.org/index.html (for intersex and transgender survivors)
'It's on Blue' launched August 13, 2015
Indiana State University is committed to the prevention of sexual harassment, sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking.
The "It's On Blue" sexual misconduct prevention and education initiative will launch today. This university-wide initiative is designed to create a culture of care, safety, and support within the campus community. One aspect of the It's On Blue initiative is an online prevention and education program designed specifically for employees.
On August, 13, all employees will receive an email with a link to complete the "It's On Blue" training. Please see the booth at the Welcome Back picnic or click the link below for more information.
As stated in the university's Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking, all employees are required to complete this online training. Our goal for completion of the program is Sept. 30. Prizes for completion are available!
More information on the It's On Blue initiative is available at www.indstate.edu/itsonblue.
The Forces and Voices Project is an organization for survivors of sexual assault. This is a web based organization that connects survivors and their support systems to services to help promote healing. The Premier Event to kickoff the organization is being held September 18th at 6:00pm at Gibault Children's Services in Terre Haute. Breaking Our Silence, the project's PSA, will be premiering. Also, there will also be a viewing of a documentary on sexual assault on college campuses entitled The Hunting Ground. This event is open to everyone, providers, parents, victims advocates, survivors, teachers, EVERYONE. Please help spread the word.
The Sexual Violence Coalition is a collaborative effort by concerned Sycamores to bring the seriousness of this problem to the forefront on the Indiana State University Campus. Our goal is to reduce sexual assault risks and affect attitudinal and behavioral changes through: meaningful education programs, prompt and compassionate response to incidents of sexual violence and coordination of relationships between campus and community systems. We challenge faculty, staff, students and community members to work toward the elimination of violence toward all people on our campus.
(812) 232-1736 or (800) 566-2632