Twitter feed: @TBTN_ISU2013
Tables outside of DEDE I:
Table #1: Take Back the Night Check-In, ID-Swipe, and Programs
Table #2: Take Back the Night T-shirts and Wristbands
Table #3: Feminist Majority and Women’s Studies Program
Table #4: American Democracy Project and AAUW
Tables inside of DEDE I
Table #5: National Statistics on Gendered Violence
Table #6: The Violence Against Women Act
Table #7: Red Flag Campaign
Table #8: Gendered Violence in the Workplace
Table #9: Statistics on Stalking
Table #10: Terre Haute Police
Table #11: How Gendered Violence Affects Families
Table #12: Conner Women’s Center
Table #13: Alpha Chi Omega
Table #14: Council on Domestic Abuse
Table #15: Counseling Center/ No Person Left Behind
Table #16: Holocaust Museum
Table #17: Sisters Too/Vagina Monologues
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2012 Take Back the Night was Tuesday November 27. A rally began at 6:00pm in Dede I, and was followed immediately by the march. Nicole Christlieb coordinated the event.
See this powerful documentary and then proceed to the TBN Event
The Invisible War, an award winning documentary film about sexual assault in the American military, will be shown in the Library Events Area from 4-6pm Tuesday 12 Nov. The film will be over before Take Back the Night events begin in DEDE I. There will be refreshments. Sponsored by Women’s Studies and the Cunningham Memorial Library.
hashtag: The #NotInvisible social action campaign works with a number of advocacy, policy, and healing based organizations to ensure our commitment to put an end to rape in the military.
Site went public November 30, 2011. Creator/Admin: Marsha Miller, Reference/Librarian; Collaborators: Linda Maule; Aimee Janssen-Robinson. Contact for comments, suggestions:
Students from Women's Studies 450 are in charge of Take Back the Night. Here is a PowerPoint presentation from the newly formed Feminist Majority (Facebook: Feminist Majority_ISU); Twitter: @FemMajority_ISU; Instagram: feministmajority_isu; Email:
Students from Women's Studies 450 are in charge of Take Back the Night. Here is a PowerPoint presentation from the newly formed Feminist Majority (Facebook: Feminist Majority_ISU); Twitter: @FemMajority_ISU; Instagram: feministmajority_isu; Email:
ISU Soccer and the Amanda Reed Foundation hosts Domestic Violence Awareness Day
Oct. 4 vs Illinois State at 7 p.m.
Amanda Reed was tragically taken from the Reed family on Sept. 5, 2009 because of domestic violence. Both of her sisters, Taylor and Abby, are current members of the ISU Soccer team. Amanda's Foundation was formed and has since been raising money and awareness for domestic violence. Please help ISU Soccer in supporting Amanda's Foundation and the local CODA organization on Oct. 4. You'll be able to win ISU apparel and gear, along with many other great prizes by entering in the SILENT AUCTION at half time. Please bring cash or check.
If you bring 2 or more donation items you will get into the game for FREE:Paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, liquid dish soap, aluminum foil, laundry soap, fabric softener, dryer sheet, Clorox wipes, non-latex gloves, sports bras, bath towels, new hair brushes and combs, new or gently used vacuum, diapers, bandages and Neosporin, pull-ups, hair conditioner, twin sheets, pillows, plastic storage containers, zip lock bags, cling wrap, magic erasers
All proceeds go directly to the local CODA organization - Council on Domestic Abuse.
No One Left Behind Rally Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 8:30p.m., Dede Plaza for National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
As part of Spring Week, the Student Health Promotion and CODA (Council on Domestic Abuse) would like to invite you to our No One Left Behind rally. This event will be held at the HMSU Fountain at 8:30 p.m. Come meet our speaker Natalie Spiert and learn what you can do to take a stand on sexual assault and domestic violence. Free shirts and refreshments are available. The Rain Location is Science Building 012.
No One Left Behind photo day Wednesday, March 19 2013, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. by the Fountain
All ISU community members are welcome to participate. Come get your photo taken Wednesday, March 20 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Fountain (rain location is HMSU main vestibule) to help support the prevention of sexual assault. Show your support with free buttons and information about our No One Left Behind event, which will be on April 9. For more information visit or No One Left Behind is sponsored by the Student Wellness Initiative.
ISU Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coalition meeting Friday, March 22nd from noon to 1 p.m. in HMSU 227. All ISU faculty, staff and students are welcome to participate.
The mission of the SVPRC is:
The Sexual Violence Coalition is a collaborative effort by concerned Sycamores to bring the seriousness of this problem to the forefront on the Indiana State University Campus. Our goal is to reduce sexual assault risks and affect attitudinal and behavioral changes through: meaningful education programs, prompt and compassionate response to incidents of sexual violence and coordination of relationships between campus and community systems. We challenge faculty, staff, students and community members to work toward the elimination of violence toward all people on our campus.
(812) 232-1736 or (800) 566-2632
Tweet About It! Tuesdays: Join experts from the anti-sexual violence movement and allied fields in an exploration of healthy sexuality. April 3, 10, 17 & 24 2012 2:00-3:00 pm EST
Each week we will cover new topics including:
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