Capptivation, Inc. and its suite of support programs are “dedicated to combating the campus sexual assault crisis,” the team said in an email. The group of friends explains on the startup’s homepage, “It is a fact that the cost of college tuition for a young student should not implicitly include, on top of room and board and a meal plan, a significant chance of being sexually assaulted" (specifically, around 1 in 4 for women and 1 in 16 for men).
To this end, they’ve created a widening landscape of survivor-support resources for students that is compatible, vitally, for mobile. On over 2,300 campuses around the country, students can now use Capptivation’s ‘Reach Out: College Edition’ app for immediate access to institution-specific contacts and information (high-schoolers shouldn’t have long to wait), as well as direct messaging to medical staff, Title IX representatives, on-campus advocates, and other key personnel. Users of the anonymous app can also search and connect with members of its growing Reach Out Network, such as the Crime Victims Treatment Center (CVTC) of Mount Sinai West and St. Luke’s Hospitals, to find support wherever and whenever it’s needed.