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Take Back the Night: bringing awareness to gendered violence: Sexual Assault Survivors and Supporters

Resources on sexual assault, date rape, harassment of all kinds. Supporting annual student-run ISU event, usually scheduled for November. Related campus initiatives also included.

S.A.A.S.: Indiana Statesman Article

Shan’te Benamon, Reporter Posted: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:33 am |Updated: 11:22 am, Wed Mar 11, 2015.

According to Indiana State’s Sexual Violence Prevention statistics webpage, “1 in 4 women is a survivor of rape or attempted rape.”

Leu does not believe that there is a reason or cause for why sexual assault happens. She believes that it just happens and that the person responsible doesn’t understand how much it hurts the victim. “People do not understand until they have been in the situation or know someone who has, and this is what our organization is about,” Leu said.

The organization is not gender-specific and is open to anyone who has been sexually assaulted or wants to support the group. “It is basically a group to help bring more awareness to sexual assault victims and issues,” Leu said.

As an organization, sexual assault survivors and their supporters come together. When their organization meets they think of ways to better themselves as well as provide information to each other on how to deal with the situation. “We provide information on how to deal with the issue and we let victims know that the counseling center is available,” Leu said.

The organization was not created to make the people who cause the issue to feel guilty, but to raise awareness. These people do not realize the difference between someone being willing and someone not wanting it to happen. Leu said that the blame should not placed on victims. “I do not believe that anyone is willing to be sexually assaulted; they do not put it on themselves,” Leu said. She said she thinks that the person knows that they are assaulting someone who is unwilling but does not know that it is an issue. They don’t realize they’re damaging the victim emotionally and sometimes physically. The group invites students who want to spread awareness about sexual harassment to join.

They will have their next meeting on Tuesday, March 24, at 8 p.m. in Root Hall.

>>More information about Sexual Assault Victims and Survivors, or S.A.A.S, contact Emma Leu
