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Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport: Home

Support for department's programs: nationally recognized programs in Coaching, Dance, Exercise Science, Martial Arts, Nonprofit Leadership, PE-Teacher Education, Recreation Mgmt &Youth Leadership, Recreational Therapy, Sport Mgmt, Strength/Conditioning


Students usually receive a basic introduction to using library-based research materials in PE 201, Introduction to Kinesiology. Graduate students usually receive a graduate briefing and review in PE 601. Library instruction can be tailored to support research in any course. Individual students should reach out to the librarian liaison for reference and/or research assistance using the Meet with a Librarian form


  • Find appropriate information resources for your research, assignments or field work
  • Use databases effectively for research, assignments and/or field work
  • Search the Internet effectively for research, assignments and/or field work
  • Evaluate information found through databases and the Internet
  • Lasting positive impact on research skills and products
  • Improve engagement with the library


Getting Ready for Research

Writing and Citing

Marsha Miller

Profile Photo
Shelley Arvin
Contact me for help. I will work with you to find the way to best help you. Options will consider appropriate agreeable and safe communication and location solutions for you. Email is a good way to contact me.

WED in HHS Building,
Student Lounge A-137 @ 10 AM.
FRI in Science Building,
2nd Floor Lookout from 1-3 PM.
Other appointments as arranged.
Pro Re Nata Blog
Biology; Chemistry & Physics; Nursing; Applied Health Sciences; Applied Medicine & Rehabilitation; Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport
Cunningham Memorial Library, rm 113
Website Skype Contact: shelley.arvin