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EndNote and Bibliographic Management Software: EndNote Online

Bibliographic management software is an application designed to store, organize, manage, and format your citations into the appropriate citation style.

EndNote Web Update

After the EndNote Web Update on June 12, 2011, it is necessary for Web of Knowledge users to log into Web of Knowledge (on campus or via proxy) and select "EndNote" on the top menu to access their account. This resets roaming access for one year.

Some users after doing this might not see their styles, filters and connections restored. These people should email EndNote Web technical support with their EndNote Web account email and institution. Support will reset their roaming access.

Synchronization and Transfer with EndNote

You can synchronize your library in EndNote X6 or later with your library in EndNote Web. The Sync process automatically synchronizes both sets of references so that an exact match exists in both EndNote and EndNote Web.

The Sync process is always initiated from EndNote (not EndNote Web).

You may need to download and install an update the first time you sync EndNote Web with the EndNote client. Note that downloading and installing this update can take a long time.

About EndNote

EndNote Web is a bibliographic management software. This software will store, create, and manage your citation information and format and insert the citations for you into a Microsoft Word document. You still must learn the rules of your citation style(s) so that you can tell EndNote when to make an exception.

EndNote Web offers the functionality of EndNote in an online version available at any computer. EndNote Web is a different software than the EndNote client that you install on your computer. It is owned by same company as the EndNote client and it performs some of the same functions but it does so differently. EndNote Web is a newer application and is still being developed and improved.

EndNote is very useful if you will be writing many papers or if you are working on a long-term research project where you expect to collect many, many citations. However, it does take time to learn so do not try to learn EndNote for a paper due only a few days later.

EndNote Web Account

To use EndNote Web, you must create an account and login with your personally selected EndNote username and password.

To create an account, go to ISU's subscription of Web of Science and click on the MyEndNote Web link at the top of the window. After you have registered, you may access MyEndNote Web directly using the URL below.

To add records to your EndNote Web Library, save records to a file as if you were going to import them into EndNote software using a filter and upload them later.

EndNote Web Search


EndNote Library Search

The Search function to search within your EndNote Web records is not very intuitive so read the instructions from the Help file (below).

Type a search term in the Quick Search field. The search term must be 3-120 characters in length. To search for a specific phrase, such as a title, enclose the phrase in double quotes.

  • The plus sign (+) in front of a word will return references containing that word. You MUST put a  plus sign (+) in front of a word to search for it!!!!!!!!!   
  • To NOT return results with a specific word or phrase, put a minus sign (-) in front of the word. 
  • Parentheses () can be used to group search terms together. 
  • An asterisk (*) is used to search for a variant terms that begins with specified characters. This is also known as a wild-card search operator. "famil*' will return "family, families, familiar, etc."
  • Double quotes (" ") will return references that contain the exact phrase quoted.

Sample Searches

+dinosaur +bird 

 returns references containing both "dinosaur" and "bird"

+dinosaur -bird

 returns references containing "dinosaur" but not "bird"

 dinosaur (+egg +fossil)

 returns references containing "dinosaur" or "egg" and "fossil"



 returns references containing words starting with paleo, such as paleontology, paleontologist, paleontologists

returns family, families, familiar, etc.

 "dinosaur egg"

 returns references containing the exact phrase "dinosaur egg"


Chat with a Librarian

Workshop Handouts

Use these EndNote Handouts to walk yourself through a Training Workshop and teach yourself the basics of EndNote. These handouts are based upon documents produced by trainers from EndNote. They are modified with some ISU specific information and made available by permission from EndNote.

EndNote Handouts